50. Warm Milk And Telling The Truth.

Start from the beginning

I never said anything, only looking down towards my lap as I slowly closed my eyes. "Is it Commodore Norrington?". He asked me. Like lightning my head shot up quicker than ever before and I'm sure my eyes were definitely bulging out of my head this time, as I turned to look at him, I began to mumble words but nothing was coming out, I was in shock, he must know, wait a moment has he known all along, I thought to myself. "H-h-o-ow did y-y-y-o-o-u know?". I finally managed to splutter out. He chuckled at my response and pulled me closer to his side and kissed the top of my head, sighing as he shook his head slightly. "Anne darling, there is nothing you can't keep from me I am your father and I can sense when both my daughter's are happy or unhappy, angry or confused". He told me, as he placed both his hands on the sides of my face, as I looked at him. "Or even when they are madly in love with someone". He continued. I smiled and blushed at him, embarrassed a little by what he had said.

"Oh sweetheart, if only you could have seen the looks you were giving him and I definitely saw the way he would look at you sometimes and you can't take those images out of my head that's for certain, as that's the way me and your mother used to look at each other all the time". I looked at him and grinned slightly, as he mentioned himself and mother. "And that is exactly how you both have been looking at each other for a very long time now". He said as he placed a kiss on top of my head, as I nestled in closer to him and placed my head upon his chest, as I hugged him. "How long have you known that I had feelings for him father". I mumbled, as my face was all squashed up from hugging him tightly. "Long enough dear, long enough". He continued as he chuckled to himself. "Why ever since the promotion ceremony, I have known". He said. I shot up out of his embrace and looked him dead in the eyes. "Really?". I asked shocked. "Yes sweetheart really, why ever since he escorted your sister over onto the battlement to propose, I saw the hurt within your face and eyes and again on the Dauntless when Elizabeth had excepted his proposal, I saw the same look you had then, you may have thought no one could see you but I did and I saw just how upset you were". He said as he pulled me back into him and placed another kiss upon my forehead.

"And when I saw just how worried Norrington was when he picked you up from that island and when he waited for the doctor to come out and give us the news about your injuries, my I thought the poor devil was going to wear the wood out on the deck, he was pacing back and forth so much". He chuckled and looked down at me. "And if you both truly love each other and you both feel the same way about each other then you both have my blessing for who am I to get in the way of my daughter's happiness". when I heard those words from father, I beamed brighter than I had ever beamed before, as I roughly pulled him into a real tight hug. "Thank you, Thank You, Thank You". I kept on repeating, as he placed a kiss upon my head and engulfed me back. "Tis quite alright Anne". He sighed. "Now let's have some warm milk shall we, to help you fall asleep, I know it tis your favourite and you have loved it since you were a girl". He stopped half way and looked at me. "What?." I questioned, worrying incase he had changed his mind already.

"Tis nothing sweetheart, tis just I can't get over the fact that, that once tiny little baby whom I could fit into one hand, who's finger nails were the size of a half grain of rice and weighed no bigger than a bag of sugar, is sitting right in front me on this very night and she has become, such an incredible beautiful young woman, who is the spit of her mother in every way shape and form". He smiled at me with tears in his eyes, I placed my head upon his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him. "Oh father". I sighed. "No matter how old I get, nor matter how far away I am, I will always be your little baby who fit into your hand". I whispered trying to hold back my tears. "Well I hope you shant be going to far". He chuckled. "As I would miss you far too much". He continued. "Don't worry father I shant be going far for a very long time". I chuckled, as he placed yet for the one hundredth time, another kiss to my forehead. "Right let's have this milk and then away with you to bed young missy, as we have to be up really early in the morning and I don't want you sleeping in". He chuckled, as he began to pour the warm milk into two cups for us.

We sat for a few more hours, drinking our milk and talking about everything and anything into the night, before we were rudly interrupted by the clock upon the mantel piece, chiming loudly letting us both know that it had turned midnight. When that happened father told me to take myself off to bed, which I gladly did, I placed my cup down onto the little table, as I took the blanket from around me, stood up kissed him on the cheek and wished him pleasant dreams, as I made my way back over towards the door, it had suddenly dawned on me that we would be getting up early in the morning to watch a good man suffer for the entertainment of others, I just knew I had to try and put a stop too it. I looked back to father, whom had his back to me and still sipping his milk.

"Father". I whispered, as I had the door open slightly. "Yes". He turned sharply within his seat and looked at me. "Must we have to kill J-a-a-c I mean Mr Sparrow tomorrow, after all twas him that helped us off the island, along with a few other things". I told him. "Anne my darling I'm afraid that it's not up to me to decide what shall happen to him". He told me. "But your the Governor surely you must have some say in what happens to him". I replied. "That I am, but all I can do is advise on what is best, tis Norrington whom is in charge of what happens to him, after all it twas his arrest and under the duty of the crown he must decide for himself what is the right thing to do, if they should however listen to my advice and take it into account then my job would be done, but I'm afraid there is not a lot I can do to help Mr Sparrow, as the decision has already been made I'm afraid". I looked down at the floor and then back up at him. "Very well father I understand". I sighed glumly. "Goodnight". I told him as I blew him a kiss. "Goodnight sweetheart, pleasent dreams". I heard him call back to me, as I shut the door and began to make my way upstairs.

Finally reaching my bedroom doors, I gladly opened it and closed it quickly, as I ran over to my bed, being carefully not to trip on anything as it was dark within the room. I jumped and landed on my bed, quickly getting underneath the covers and sinking my head onto the pillow, I was just about to shut my eyes, when I heard the strike of a match being pulled and suddenly the room was lit up. Through one eye, I looked to see who the culprit was and if they deserved a right smack from me, for disturbing my sleep. I looked over to the direction of Elizabeth's bed and I noticed that she was sitting on the side of it, with her arms crossed and glaring at me. I opened both eyes and sat up in bed with my hand resting on my head to help keep me propped up. I glared back at her wondering what she wanted, as she never said a word for a good five minutes. "I think it's about time we had that little conversation about what troubles you so don't you?".  She said to me.

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