27. Picking Out A name and Thomas Get's Drunk On Rum

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We walked around the side of the tavern, to where some pigs were being kept, I looked down to see a man asleep, in between them and snoring like a pig himself. He looked somewhat familiar, only I couldn't put my finger on it, as to where I could have seen him before. Jack walked over to a full bucket of water and picked it up, he then proceeded to throw it towards the sleeping man, drenching him from head to toe, the pigs also awoke squeaking with shoke, the man awoke gasping for air, as some of the water must have gone up his nose, causing him to cough uncontrollably.

"Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idot!". The man screamed out, looking around the room frantically and pointing a cutlass, that he hand in his grasp, towards us. We all just stood there not saying a word, Jack still had a hold of the bucket, that he used to throw the water at the man. The pigs started to awake more and they were grunting heavily breaking the silence. "Mothers Love Jack!". The man said. "You should know better than to wake a man when he's sleepin', it's bad luck". He continued.

"Ahhh, fortunately, I know how to counter it, the man who did the waking, buys the man who was sleeping a drink, the man who was sleeping drinks it, while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking". Jack said to the man whilst crouching down to his level on the ground. The man stayed silent for a moment looking confused towards Jack, trying to figure out what he had just said, before something in his brain must have finally clicked. "Aye, that'll about do it". The man replied. Will walked over and picked up another bucket filled with water. Jack grabbed a hold of the man's hand and helped him up from the floor.

Will then proceeded to throw the second bucket of water at the man, drenching him once again. The man gasped out in shock, shaking the water off of him. "Blast! I'm already awake!." The man shouted. "That was for the smell". Will told him. Me and Thomas began sniggering like little children, hiding our laughter with our hands. The man was going to react and say something, before he nodded in agreement with Will's statement. He then noticed me and his eyes went wide. "Miss Swann!". He asked moving closer to me, when I got a clearer look at his face, it finally hit me and I remembered who this man was.

"Mr Gibbs?". I questioned with a puzzled look upon my face. "My I haven't seen you since you were a dot!". He told me, "yes it has been quite a while, I didn't know you were one of them". I asked him whilst pointing at Jack. "Yes well, I have my reasons". He said to me. "And what reasons are...". I was cut off by Jack. "Yes well this is all very lovely, a happy reunion and all but I would much like to discuss things in a more clearer environment and away from said lunch". He told us whilst pointing towards the pigs.

We all proceeded to walk back into the tavern, before Jack pulled me and Thomas aside, away from the doors and over into an alley way. He pushed us up against the wall, "Ow!". I shouted as it hurt my back. "Sorry Lass!". Jack said. "What's all this inade off?". Thomas asked him. "Well son, if you were to walk in there with a proper name, you are most likely going to be killed on the spot mate, no one around here likes no one that isn't a pirate savvy?". "Why not?". Thomas asked him. "Because, for all they know mate, you could be a spy for our dear friend Norrington, prowling the place for wanted pirates, so if your brain can comprehend quickly with your mouth and think of a good strong pirate name, now would be a good time to share it". Jack told him.

There was a short silence before Thomas let out a gasp "Oh, oh I have one, Thomas the Barbarian!". Thomas said with a grin upon his face, Jack looked at him shocked and disgusted a little. "Is that all your brain could think off". Jack asked him. Thomas thought to himself for a moment. "Oh, oh Thomas the feared!". Thomas replied. "You've been reading to many fairytale books mate!". Jack said to him. "I know one, how about Thomas O'Malley, son of a blacksmith, turned pirate, feared by all who meets him". I said.

Both men looked at me not saying a word and just blinking. "Yes, yes, I like it!". Thomas said. "Ah very well then, now that's all sorted you can buy me a drink for helping you come up with a name". Jack told him, whilst slapping him on the arm. The pair of them proceeded to walk away from me and head back out of the alley, towards the tavern. "Ahem!". I said whilst placing my hand upon my hips and raising my eyebrows at them. They both turned around sharply, both of them stood there just staring at me. "One, you didn't think of that name Jack I did, Two don't I get a pirate name?". I said to him.

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