Part 15

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A few days after we got the ball back Mom and Dad finally came home.

I gave Dad the new ball, as much as he loved the new ball he was still plenty mad at Scotty and I so I was pretty happy when we only got grounded for a week instead of my whole life.

Dad didn't seem to be in the best mood, he wasn't acting like his funny happy self as usual.Scotty and I were playing catch in the Backyard trying to do something fun

"Hey guys" Dad said walking outside "Sorry to interrupt but can I talk to you"

"Oh no" I said "Is this about the ball"

"No no" he said "it's a little more heavy than that"

I got a bit worried "Is everything ok?"

"Not really" He said looking up at us "It's Grandma"

My heart dropped a bit when he said that

"Is she ok?" Scotty asked

"Grandma isn't doing well" He said "The doctors think she only has a few more days left to live"

My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach, I thought tears were going to burst out of my eyes but I tried to hold them back.

"I hate to bring some such bad news" He said

"Why can't they keep trying" I said holding the tears back "she's a fighter"

"That's the thing y/n they have done everything they can, It's her time"

"But-" Tears started rolling down my face. I was in shock and utter sadness at the thought I was going to lose my best friend, that's who she has always been to me

"I'm so sorry y/n" Dad said "We need to leave tomorrow morning to say our goodbyes"

"Ok" Scotty and I said

I wish she could live longer, I wanted her to meet Benny and finally see me back to playing baseball, and most of all me being happy.

I just know she would love Benny so much, They would get along so well.

"Um Dad?" I said

"Yes y/n?"

"Could I bring someone with us to say goodbye to Grandma?"


I didn't think of the fact neither of my parents had met Benny.

"His name is Benny, he plays baseball with us at the Sandlot" I paused for a moment "Don't get mad but, he's my boyfriend and I would love for grandma to meet him before she passes"

"Boyfriend huh?" Dad said confused and shocked, I think Scotty was just as shocked

"Scotty? Is he nice?" Dad said looking at him

"Very" He said "He was the only one who didn't laugh at me when I went to the sandlot for the first time. He has always been super nice and caring to us, and he really cares about y/n"

I didn't know Scotty was such a superspy with Me and Benny

"Well I approve" Mom said walking outside

I smiled and looked up at her

"I say you can bring him" She said

I looked back at Dad hoping he would agree

"Ok, he can come, but I want to meet him before we leave"

"Thank you thank you Dad" I said giving him a hug

Eyes On You // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now