Part 14

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I had a dream that night that gave me a lot of clarity. I had to hop that fence.

I was asleep when I started to hear knocking. I opened my heavy eyelids and glanced over to my window to see Benny outside.

I got up and opened the window as Benny climbed in

"What are you doing, it's two in the morning?" I asked

"I had a dream, well more of a nightmare" He said

"Me too" I said "But without the nightmare part"

"What was yours about?" I asked

"The Beast had jumped over the fence and started going after all of us with the ball in his mouth" He said

"Oh, that's um... interesting" I said

"What about yours?" Benny asked

I paused for a moment and sat back down on my bed, Benny followed and sat next to me

"I need to jump the fence" I said

"No, we already talked about this I'm-"

"Trust me" I said cutting him off "It's what I need to do"

"Promise me something then" He said locking eyes with me

"Whatever you do, don't let anything happen to you"

"I'll try" I said

"Promise me" He said again putting his hand on my cheek "I can't lose you or afford anything to happen to you after how I felt when you passed out the other day"

I blushed and smiled softly at him "I promise"

I loved how much he cared about me, he couldn't be more perfect.

He pulled me in closer to him with his hand still on my cheek and placed his lips onto mine. It was short and sweet. He pulled away and smiled then wrapping his arms around my waist pulling us down onto the bed by my pillows.

I laughed quietly and pulled the covers over us putting my head on his chest. He kept his arms around my waist and softly kissed my forehead

I smiled and closed my eyes

"Your so cute" He said softly

I blushed and drifted off to sleep in his arms feeling safe and comforted.

~ Next morning ~

I woke up and Benny was still there asleep. I woke him up by wrapping my arms around him and softly kissing his cheek

He turned over wrapping his arms around me and pulled my head into his chest with my back up against him.

"Morning beautiful" he said softly still waking up

"Morning" I said smiling

We stayed there for a little bit than finally got up since I had a huge day ahead of me. Benny went out the window so Scotty wouldn't know he was here, than I went downstairs and got 

everything ready to go to the sandlot.

I pulled out a shoebox from the closet before we left, these should come in handy. I knew these would guarantee that you could jump higher and run faster than any other kid, I laced them up, got Scotty and we left.

"Today is the day we get that ball back" I told him

He was still kind of sad "I like the positivity, but how do you know that"

Eyes On You // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now