Start from the beginning

"Hey, whatever got u all worked up, you're not going to defeat it punching like a girl" He quipped.

"You want to replace the bag?" I asked him.

"If I did, you wouldn't get a hit in" he boasted.

I stopped and stared at him. "Big mouth you got there. You might want to grab those boxing gloves"

He let go of the punching bag and smiled at me. "Relax. I'd fight for money, not for sport. Just didn't like you ignoring me and shit"

I shook my head. "Such a baby"

He swung the punching bag towards me and I had to move quickly sideways to avoid it hitting me in the face.

"Let's hit the club man. What better way to fight your troubles than to drown them in alcohol?" He said as he headed towards the door. "Drinks are on me"

I pulled off the gloves and followed him thinking of the oblivion that came with drunkenness. It did sound like a much better idea. I don't know why I spent the last one hour in here with a punching bag.


Mina's POV

Saturday morning had me doing laundry and cleaning. I decided to deep clean my caravan. I scrubbed the floors and wiped all surfaces. I cleaned the bathroom tiles and all the windows. I washed my sheets and even my curtains too. By the time I finished, my hands were sore, but I was satisfied. Cleaning always gave me a weird kind of satisfaction. And after the dejection I felt last night, I needed a sense of achievement, no matter how little.

I had started very early since I could barely sleep. I still had some time to take my bath and eat breakfast before showing up at the diner by 11am. Deciding that I wouldn't be burdened with thoughts of Luke today, I tried to look as happy as possible. I pulled on a knee length yellow dress that was gathered at the waist. I paired it with white sneakers and put my hair in a bun. Looking at myself in the mirror, I took a picture before slinging my crossbody bag to step out.

I opened the door and gasped when I saw Luke standing there with his hand raised like he was about to knock. He looked at me with red bloodshot eyes. He had ruffled hair and disheveled clothes. He looked like ten bottles of beer, and smelled like it. I hope he didn't drive to Twinhills in this state.

"Have you been drinking?" I asked.

"A little" He admitted with an attempt at a smile but it only made him look sadder. And even though I didn't want to give a rat's ass about him after he ignored me for 5 whole days, my heart went out to him.

"Can I come in?" he asked. I nodded and stepped aside to let him through. He went into the kitchen and sat by the table. I mirrored his actions, sitting opposite him.

He was silent for a while then he began.

"I met Laura on my first day at kindergarten. We became friends and remained close ever since. As we grew older, I began to develop feelings for her, romantic feelings. I was scared to tell her at first. I was worried she wouldn't feel the same. But in our sophomore year of high school, I summoned up courage and told her. Imagine my relief when she told me she felt the same way" he smiled sadly probably remembering the exact moment.

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