
My alarm blares the next morning breaking me out of my nice sleep. I hit my phone until the noise stops and cover my eyes. I take in a deep breath and force my arms away from my face. The light fills my eyes and I groan as I adjust. "Good morning baby." Stacie says as she kisses my cheek and makes her way out of bed. I smile at her and slowly make my way up. We get dressed and head downstairs. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and Stacie gets the same. Emily smiles at us as she enters, Darth happily bounces along her side.

"I'm still not use to you being alive at this hour." I mutter between spoonfuls. I used to have to drag Emily to school and now she's always ready without asking. "Got to get into school so I can go to Barden with you guys next year! Hey do you think we could be Bellas? Like mom was?" Emily asks with a smile. I freeze for a second and my chest tightens. The reminder brings the pain every time. I haven't admitted to anyone that part of the reason I've been keeping myself so busy is I'm having horrible anxiety about attending Barden. Not for the reason of normal kids, going to college and staying there, but because its a constant reminder of my parents.

Its well known my mom attended Barden and she was very proud to be a Bella, Aubrey and Chloe have bragged about it before, they both share my mom's pride of being a member of the acapella group and say how much it changed their lives. My mom adored the Bellas and made that well known throughout our childhood. "Well you're legacies, I'm sure it would be easy for you guys to get in, I know I want to be one." Stacie says with her gaze landing on me.

I shove my fears down and continue eating as normally as I can. Stacie studies me for another second before she continues eating. Emily forgets the subject as she gives Darth his breakfast. She gets herself a yogurt as we fall into normal conversation again. We pile into the car and head to school. We laugh and sing at the top of our lungs the whole way there. We all have surprisingly good voices, the legacy status shouldn't even effect our chances of being Bellas. Emily and I clearly take after our mom with that, Luke can even sing well but its rare to ever hear. When we get to school the delinquents are waiting around the parking lot for us.

I help Stacie out of the car and plant a kiss on her forehead. I take her hand as I walk her to her first class, the delinquents joining us. I chuckle at all of them getting some last minute reading in before class. Its not just Emily whose changed. Everyone wants to follow Stacie and I to Barden. Once Emily told the group of our plans everyone got serious about their studies to get into the school. Most of them will need summer school but it looks promising for them to join us in the spring semester. I can't believe the delinquents will be in college, no one would have bet on that ever happening. Not even me.

I look at Stacie's hand in mine and smile. She made us want to be better, to stop the kid stuff and start planning for the future. I tighten my grip as we walk down the halls to our classes. We're so close to graduating. Less then a month until we say goodbye to high school forever. And in about 6 weeks we welcome the newest member of our family. I stop outside Stacie's class and give her a kiss before she goes in to her smart class. The delinquents and I say our goodbyes until lunch and head to our different classes. I see the school douche bag Tom heading towards me with Alice holding his arm, their typical arrogance is oozing off of them.

"Oh look, the trash of Barden high." Tom says with a snicker. I take a deep breath and ignore his words. Tom steps in front of me, clearly unhappy with my lack of response. Jesse and Benji tense up next to me. I lift my hand up telling them to back off. "What? You don't say anything now? Wow the whore really made you her bitch." He says with an an arrogant grin. Red starts to appear in the corner of my vision. How dare he insult Stacie.

I clench my fist and think of how to beat some sense into him but then another thought intrudes me head. I need to graduate. Finals are next week then graduation soon after. The baby is due just after that. "Tom walk away. I've kicked your ass before but unlike you I've grown up." I say attempting to move around him. He purposely sticks out his foot to trip me. Luckily I catch myself before I fall. "Watch it dude." Jesse says squaring up to Tom. "Jesse no. He isn't worth it." I tell him. Jesse pouts but complies.

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