Chapter 13. Ending 1. Ejiro Kirishima.

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'I'm sorry, Y/N. I can't live without you. You mean the world to me. I fucked up, and now you hate me. I also love that Shitty Hair, too. He's an asshole, but I fucked up and now I lost you and Kirishima. You are everything to me. Your beautiful wings, your funny bird instincts, your beautiful eyes, your perfect personality. Perfect. You are nothing less than perfect. But I fucked up, and now, you hate me. I am so sorry Teddy Bear. If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I'll be waiting for you in heaven. Or hell. I don't know, but I'll be waiting. I should have never bought that drum set. I should have never even played drums to begin with. I love you, I'm sorry, and goodbye. Love, Katsuki.'

There was also a section for Y/N's children, Phoenix and Arizona.

'Dear Phoenix and Arizona, I am sorry I couldn't be there for you. I'm sorry that I wasn't a good father. I'm sorry that you never got to know the real me, except that I was a prick, and that I was an asshole. I'm sorry that you never got to really meet your biological father. But Kirishima will take care of you. I promise. If he doesn't then I'm gonna beat his ass when he makes it up here to heaven. And I mean it, Shitty Hair. Anyways, I truly love you, and I truly live your father, and your mother, and all of your grandparents. My parents were really upset that they wouldn't get to see you guys again, so you should pay them a visit soon. I'm sorry that I wouldn't get to walk you two down the aisle at your weddings. I'm sorry that I wouldn't get to teach you Dad stuff. I really wanted to do that. And, if you want to be heroes when you grow up, I'm sorry for not being able to train with you, and teach you everything that you need to know to live in this world. I'm sorry that I didn't get to see you reach your dreams, that I didn't get to be there for you when you failed, I'm sorry I did this. But you've got Shitty Hair to take care of you. You've got Shitty Hair to do all of those things for you. Thanks a lot, Shitty Hair. I hope you forgive me, kids. Goodbye. Sincerely, the father you never got the chance to meet, Katsuki Bakugo.'

There were also more sections, the letter went on for pages. Here's pictures, but I won't be able to read them all aloud."

You pause and read the rest of the note.

Dear Deku,
I would never say this in person, but congratulations. Congratulations for being the number one hero. You did good. I hope that you are able to save more people than you can't. I hope you make a good symbol of peace for this world. And thank you for always caring for me, even though I bullied you, even though I acted like I hated you. But in reality, I didn't really hate you. You were always one of my best friends, even if I wouldn't admit it. Goodbye.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I can't stand this anymore. I am sorry. I know you were there for me this whole time. I know you did everything in your power to prevent this. I know you are heartbroken. Thank you for everything you did for me. Try not to blame yourself, ok? This wasn't your fault. This was my own. I told Phoenix and Arizona to pay you a visit, so you should expect them to see you soon. I'm sorry, I love you, and goodbye.

Dear Shitty Hair,
I'm sorry for buying that drumset. I've destroyed it. I blew it up. I couldn't stand to see it. I'm sorry for breaking both of your hearts. I still love you, and I hope you still love me too. I forgive you for nearly killing me that one Sunday. And I hope you can forgive me too. I'll be waiting in heaven or hell for both of you. I truly love you, and I truly love Y/N, too. She's my little Teddy Bear. My little chicken strip. I love you both. Take care of Arizona and Phoenix, ok? Teach them everything they need to know to live in this world. Walk them down the aisle on their weddings, teach them how to change their tires, be there for them when their dreams come true, and be there for them when they fail. Be there for them always, until you die, you understand me? If you don't take care of them I'll beat the shit out of you when you get here, you got it? Remember those words for as long as you live. Take care of them. For me. Please. Thank you. Goodbye.

There were letters for Mina, Sero, Denki, Jiro, and even the teachers at UA. You were heartbroken. You cried for the rest of the day. Kirishima even cried a little too.

The two of you went to Katsuki's funeral. He had an open casket funeral. You saw his parents there. You talked to them a bit, and decided that you would let Arizona and Phoenix see them soon.

Deku was there, and so was Mina, Sero, Denki, Jirou, Uraraka, Momo, and everyone else in Class 1A. Even All Might and Aizawa were there. You paid your respects. He used to call you Teddy Bear, so you gave him a Teddy Bear. You gave him a goodbye kiss on the cheek, and he was buried. Kirishima promised him that he would take care of the children, no matter what the cost.

You and Kirishima lived the rest of your lives together. The police had given you the note from Bakugo to you, the note to Kiri, and the note to Arizona and Phoenix. You had always told your kids about Katsuki. You told them that he was their biological father, and that he was the number 2 hero. But it wasn't until they were 10 years old that you told them that he committed suicide. You let them see Katsuki's parents often, too.

You and Kirishima ended up dying of old age together. You were buried together, next to Katsuki. Both of you still loved him, and were heartbroken when he died.

Like he said, Katsuki was waiting for both of you when you died. The three of you spent the rest of eternity together.

The end.

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《Nothing Less》《Bakugo x Kirishima x Reader》حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن