who wants to hear me rant? 😃

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A/N: This is literally me just ranting about the Camp Cretaceous kids.

So, the children are on a boat going to Costa Rica. I have some concerns about their mental health. They have been through so much including, but not limited to, being abandoned, which has shown an effect on them multiple times over, literally almost dying, getting severely injured *cough cough* Sammy and Yasmina *cough cough* seeing people die, and being mentally broken down so badly their whole personality changes. *cough cough* Ben *cough cough* So, we don't know what it'll be like for them to go back into society, especially since there's big holidays in Costa Rica in November and December, which is around the time that they left the island. For the kids to be left alone that long and then suddenly be in a place that's bustling with noise and people would probably result in absolute panic. Near the end of season 3, when Yaz, Sammy, Brooklyn, and Kenji were going to the boat, and Darius was trying to find Ben, they ran into a dinosaur herd that the Scorpios was hunting. (This was after Sammy had been poisoned by the Scorpios and then revived. I don't remember much though.)
The only reason I remember this is because Sammy had showed the beginnings of a panic attack after they heard the Scorpios' roar, which leads me to believe that, in the future Sammy will have some problems with that and so will the others, considering all of their situations are similar, some more difficult than others.
(Even though I'm not an expert at panic attacks and PTSD so please don't come for me. ;-;)
I'd really like to see the realism in that angle from the show. Though the characters already have depth which I think is really cool. Like Kenji, again in season 3, when they were in Kenji's penthouse searching for stuff they needed to fix the boat, Sammy and Yasmina (😌💕✨😊) were looking at a picture book and found a drawing he had drawn of his family when he was 5. When they told Kenji what they had found, he snatched it away, but when he had a moment alone to look at the drawing, he actually smiled at it and put it in his pocket. Even though it might not seem like it, but Sammy has depth too. She's actually a pretty good liar considering her bubbly personality, except for when Brooklyn had mentioned someone spying and suggested it was her. Yasmina has some too, in season 2 episode 1, she is adamant on helping build the shelter for the rest of the campers. Later in the episode, it becomes more and more obvious that she is purposefully overworking herself because she isn't used to taking a break. Which I think is kind of sad, it's detrimental to someone's mental health to overwork themselves all of the time, and for Yaz to do that until the point she doesn't even want to take a break, worries me. And Darius has a hero/savior complex, similar to Yasmina's situation, which worries me as well. After the episode where they go find items for the boat, Brooklyn and Sammy go to find out more about Mantahcorp. And during this episode Brooklyn actually puts her "Ooh! Let's go investigate a mystery while I go and take over the whole thing." personality to the side to listen to Sammy and her ideas. I think we already know about Ben though, so I don't really think I need to get into him. I've also lost trust in adults and authorities because of this show, the fake relationship between Mitch and Darius is the one that stood out most to me because the same thing happened to me too and the pilot that took Sammy, Ben, and Kenji stood out to me as well because it shows that adults won't actually listen to you unless you're an adult or they need something from you. But Hap put a little faith in me because he's the only one that actually helped them in the end.

A/N: Dear gods. I just read everything I wrote and I literally just wrote a whole essay 😂😂. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed my rant! Have a nice day! 😁✌

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