Part One: The Box

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You wake up, gasping for air in a dark box that was ascending. You didn't know what was happening, the room was moving faster than your thoughts. You finally found the strength to rise to your feet. You were shaking but you didn't know if it was from the rising box or the fear the kept creeping through your body the longer you sat in the dark. You took a deep breath and tried calming down. (Y/n), your name is (y/n). That was the one thing you remembered and you held onto it like your life depended on it. Maybe it did. As if you didn't feel claustrophobic enough, the boxes surrounding you made your chest tighten. You couldn't stay in this box much longer, you had to get out.
   'Hey!' You shouted to no one in particular. 'HELP ME!'
It was only then that you realised that whoever put you in this devil box could be waiting for you at the top. You didn't know who they were but you knew they weren't your friend. You rummaged through the boxes, finding a knife. You picked it up but the room suddenly stopped and you accidentally cut your arm open.
A blaring siren went off and it was so loud that you bent down, covering your ears best you could. Red lights blinked in sync with the siren and it was giving you a headache. Your head shot up quickly when the siren went dead silent and muffled voices filled the silence. You did the only thing you could, you hid behind all the boxes, blood dripping everywhere and knife still in hand. The red suddenly turned a strong green, not blinking anymore. The box doors opened, a bright light beaming through the cracks as it opened slowly. You heard the gears turn as the light had now completely engulfed the room. You just hoped no one could see you. You glanced down at the ground and now wished you hadn't as now you could see the huge drop beneath you.
Breathe, keep your cool and do not let them find you
A boy jumped in the open box, making it rock back and forth with his force. The boy had deep brown eyes and caramel hair, not exactly what you were expecting. Then another boy entered, he was more muscular and his eyebrows were something special. He almost looked familiar...
"There's no one here." Eyebrows said,
"Well someone was here, look, there is blood everywhere." Brown eyes said in a deep rich British accent that was almost soothing. You didn't trust em. You didn't trust anyone. You shifted your eyes to the opened box doors and saw a group of boys, maybe twenty-thirty of them. You attempted to back up, maybe get away sneakily, but you accidentally knocked over a box, making a big BANG! The boys looked at you.
"It's a bloody girl?!"

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