3. Deleted Scene: A Great Day

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3. Deleted Scene: A Great Day

Location: Jade Palace courtyard

"It is a historic day. Isn't it, Master Oogway?" Master Shifu announced solemnly, while the old turtle came down the stairs of the Jade Palace to meet the little red panda.
"Yes," Master Oogway replied with a wistful smile. "And one I feared I would not live to see." His gaze wandered to the cheering crowd in the courtyard.
"Are your students ready?"
The little red panda nodded. "Yes, Master Oogway."
"Know this, old friend," the turtle objected and leaned down to the little master. "Whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley, but also to you."
Shifu didn't seem to know what to make of these words. But before he could ponder it any further, another voice spoke up behind them.
The turtle and the red panda saw a white peacock hobbling towards them. In his wing he held a lance sword on which he supported himself. No sooner had the white peacock reached them, all three bowed to each other.
"Old friend," Master Oogway greeted the mayor. "Nice to see you."
Master Shen returned his welcome with a warm smile. "I heard you will choose the Dragon Warrior today. I was surprised."
"There is a special reason for this," the turtle explained. "Come here, I have to talk to you for a minute."
With that, Oogway took the peacock aside to a corner where they could talk in private.
"I mentioned it to Shifu," Oogway began. "And you should know it, too."
The peacock looked at him a little unsettled. Usually, the turtle rarely spoke in a serious tone, and he suspected that it was not a good thing.
"Tai Lung will come back," the ancient master said, coming to the point immediately.
The white peacock winced and grabbed his limping leg, which was painful again at the thought of back then.
"This can't be," the peacock breathed in disbelief. "He's in prison, in the safest place in all of China."
"I know," Oogway agreed. "And I know it's a bitter thought for you, too." He pointed with his walking stick at Shen's bowed foot. "But you know me, and I've never been wrong about such things."
The peacock began to breathe loudly.
"Will the Dragon Warrior stop him?" the white master asked after processing a few terrifying seconds.
The turtle smiled. "If you believe in who I will choose today."
The peacock looked down. The students were well trained by Master Shifu, he knew that. But were they so good at beating a higher master when it came down to it? "I very much hope that you are right," he said finally.
He put his wings together and both bowed at the end of their conversation. Then, the peacock walked to the sideline on the stairs while Oogway signaled a pig that they could begin.
"Let the tournament begin!" the pig shouted and the crowd cheered full of enthusiasm, while a black and white panda heaved himself up on the top step, panting and groaning...

This chapter was translated from German into English by me and corrected by fanfiction.net user Starless echoes.

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