2. Deleted Scene: Everyone's Own Burden

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2. Deleted Scene: Everyone's Own Burden
(all villagers walk to the courtyard of the Jade Palace)

Location: At the bottom of the stairs to the Jade Palace

With his mouth wide open, the panda stared up the stairs in disbelief. Should he go up there now? With a cart full of bean buns and bowls?
"Okay," Po muttered to himself. "A warrior knows no fear. And no climbing stairs with a cart."
He was about to climb the first step when someone spoke to him from behind.
"Make way. We want to go through here."
Po turned around. Behind him stood four antelopes, carrying a litter on poles on their shoulders. And whoever sat there knew the panda all too well.
"Oh, Mayor... Master Shen...," the panda stammered. "Nice to see you again."
The peacock raised his eyebrows only briefly, but nodded to him. The panda pointed behind to his noodle cart behind him.
"Uh, could someone be so nice and carry my cart with you?" he asked hopefully.
The white peacock looked at him carefully. Then he rested one elbow on the chest of the palanquin. "Will you allow me to give you some wise advice?"
Po pricked up his ears immediately. "Anytime!"
The white peacock smiled slightly. "Everyone has to carry his own burden."
He waved to the antelopes and the porters started moving, leaving the panda alone. The black and white bear watched helplessly as the mayor was carried over the thresholds. Po sighed dejectedly. He was angry at times, but somehow, he understood. Since the accident many years ago, it was impossible for the peacock to climb all the stairs. Should he have offered him a bean bun at least?
"Alright," Po said to himself. "Everyone's own burden."
He turned back to his noodle trolley, making sure that the bowls didn't fall down, and pulled it over the first step, then over the second, then over the third one...

This chapter was translated from German into English by me and corrected by fanfiction.net user Starless echoes.

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