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Too occupied with trying to wrap her mind around the fact that her nameless one night stand just decided to feel her up during her friends concert she doesn't realises that Ethan missed his cue and his eyes widen in disbelief, quickly looking away from the couple, hurt washes over his face.

"Up for another round?", nameless guy whispers in her ear, hot breath uncomfortably fanning over her skin and angrily Calypso stomps on his foot causing him to release his tight grip and grunt in pain.

"Puttana", he growls, even with her limited Italian skills Calypso can tell that he just insulted her and everything in her tells her to run away and hide.

Pushing her way through the crowd she doesn't dare to glance back and just hopes that he won't follow her.

The house is nearly empty, only  two giggling girls make their way to the toilets, arms hooked.

Her heart pounds in her chest and she does the only thing that she knows will calm her down, head to her room and read a few pages of her current book.

How long she's been in her room is unclear but once she hears the music stop and people loudly clapping, she closes her book and checks her appearance in the mirror.

Touching up her lipstick and adding some more of her floral perfume she shakes off the rest of the uneasy feeling and walks back downstairs.

And for the second time that night her heart drops to her stomach, Mr.One-Night-Stand has his arm wrapped around Thoma's shoulder and laughs about something Damiano said.

Ethan and Vic stand with their backs to Calypso.

Escaping back into a fictional world seems so much more tempting now but before she can scurry back upstairs Damiano spots her and calls her over, all five of them turning their attention to her.

"Bella", the way he pronounces the word with a slimy smile and presses a kiss to her cheek makes Calypso want to gag, overwhelmed completely by the situation.

"You know each other?", Vic asks surprised and glances accusingly at Calypso, there is no point in denying it so Calypso briefly nods.

"Better than you'd think", with a wink he squeezes her bum and her eyes widen in shock, amazing Calypso you chose the most disgusting man to have a one night stand with.

"Don't you dare touch me again", she hisses angrily and her green eyes shimmer dangerously.

"But sweetheart, not long ago you were screaming at me to go faster and harder", he teases with an equally mean look in his eyes, now she can't remember what she ever found attractive about him.

"I was drunk", she defends her decisions poorly.

Her friends watch the exchange speechless, not sure how to react to the scene that is currently taking place in front of their eyes.

With a crack, the champagne flute in Ethan's hand breaks and a pointy shard of glass pierces through the soft skin on his palm, he winces in pain and drops the glass, champagne trickles on the floor, mixing with blood.

For a moment it feels like time must have stopped, Calypso is the first to snap out of it and she glares at the man she slept with but now would like to murder.

"You should probably leave now", with that she grabs Ethan's uninjured hand and gently leads him away.

"You are bleeding on the expensive rug", trying to lighten the mood doesn't really work, his lips are pressed together in a thin line and he refuses to look at Calypso.

In the kitchen he is perched on a stool and watches as Calypso takes out the first aid kit and places some items on the kitchen island, looking for something to sterilize the wound first.

"What the hell was that?", Vic had followed them and flops down on the other bar stool next to Ethan.

"He broke a glass", Calypso replies drily knowing very well that this was not what Victoria meant by her question.

"Well no shit Sherlock", she rolls her eyes at her friends stupid behaviour.

The two girls continue to bicker while Calypso carefully bandages Ethans hand, always being very skillful at anything to do with first aid.

"She fucked him Vic don't you get it ", Ethan tears his hand free from her grip after he spits the words out and Calypso is at a loss for words.

"You didn't tell me", Victoria is hurt, her voice is quiet and her eyes shimmer she feels betrayed, there was never ever a time Calypso didn't tell her friend everything in her love life in great detail but this, this is different.

She is embarrassed to admit it, she hoped that she'd just simply never ever see him again and forget it ever happened.

Instead of explaining her train of thought Calypso just stares at Vic, somehow hoping the blonde can manage to read her mind but of course she doesn't.

"This is seriously shit Calypso", Vic swears angrily and jumps off the bar stool, fury now evident behind her eyes and when she rushes past Calypso their shoulders bump.

Ethan leaves the kitchen without saying another word and leaves Calypso standing still staring at the stool that was previously occupied by Victoria.

"Fuck", she whispers when she realises the seriousness of her actions. By not telling Vic she crossed a line in their friendship, it was always a matter of course that the two girls never kept any secrets and especially not when it came to their love life.

Ethan probably hates her for being such a bitch about his one night stand when she wasn't any better.

Damiano and Thomas are probably both equally pissed that she caused so much drama during their promo event.

"Tu es tellement stupide", she scolds herself while putting away the first aid kit and wiping down the kitchen island with a rag, occupying herself so that she can't focus herself on her thoughts.

There was this saying that her old German teacher once told them in class "Lügen haben kurze Beine" meaning that in the end lies will always be caught up on.

Now see Calypso what a mess you are in now, hiding things from your friends and now they are all mad at you.

See how you'll fix that now, better hurry only a few days until it's addio Italia and salut France.

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