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Being aware of her friends fear of thunderstorms Victoria feels awful for not being able to comfort her during it.

Nearly going crazy when she realises that the power must be cut back at the house when both Ethan and Calypso stop replying to her messages.

Thomas, Sara and Damiano trying their best to convince her that there is no need for her to worry. Secretly the boys worry that once they come back to the house, Calypso and Ethan are both still alive and unharmed, after their yelling in the morning they can only hope for the best.

Little did they know that being away that night got Ethan and Calypso to talk.

Not just about thunderstorms but about everything and nothing, due to no power and therefore no phone or TV the two pass the time playing a card game and passing around a bottle of sweet wine.

Ethan had caringly wrapped a thin but soft blanket around Calypso's shoulders when he saw the girl shiver unaware that she wasn't cold but that his body being so close to hers was what caused the girls body to react the way it did.

Taking the bottle of wine to her lips, she scrunches her nose in thought, looking at the cards in her hands and the ones on the couch in between her and Ethan.

She is sitting crossed leg and subconsciously plays with the hem of the blanket.

"You are cheating", Calypso accuses him and Ethan smiles when he sees how she is completely distracted from the storm outside.

"I would never cheat, I have an honest soul", he pretends to be hurt and presses the cards in his hand against his chest.

"And what is that?", Calypso leans forward, the blanket falling from her shoulders and reaches behind Ethan under the pillow he was leaning on.

Pulling out a card from under it she throws it on his chest "Cheater", she yells and throws her own cards on the couch table.

"Fine you got me", Ethan laughs and reaches for the bottle of wine that Calypso had placed on the floor in between the carpet and the couch, his hair falls into his eyes and he shakes his head to move it from his face.

"Can I braid it? I love the way you look when you have it in braids", Calypso asks and already moves around on the couch so she can reach his hair.

"Fine but don't pull my hair", he agrees and sits up, the bottle of wine still in his hands.

"You baby", Calypso snorts and gently starts to brush his hair with her fingers, still too scared to leave his side during the storm to wander through the dark house in search for a hair brush.

Skillfully her fingers move, weaving strands of hair into three thick braids and securing them with the hair ties she found on both Ethan's and her own wrist.

"Where did you learn that?", he asks curiously and Calypso explains how her mother hated to do her own hair in the morning and used to curse in front of the mirror when she thought Calypso wasn't in the room.

The girl hated to see her mum so upset so she took it on herself to learn various hairstyles from Youtube videos and one day she surprised her mother by asking to do her hair in the morning.

It became their tradition, not every morning but whenever Yvette Dupont had an important day ahead her daughter would gently braid her hair to ease her mothers stressed thoughts.

Her voice is soft when she talks about her mother, admitting that she does miss her after being in Italy for over a week now, promising herself that she'd call her as soon as the power is back on and her phone is charged.

Ethan yawns and stretches his muscles, stiff from sitting in the same position for too long. Calypso feels guilty for keeping him up, unaware of how fast the time passed, it now being past three in the morning.

"You can go to bed", she nudges his leg with her knee when his eyes slowly begin to drop after a little while of not saying anything.

"No, no it's fine".

"Sleepover", Calypso pipes up after thinking, she doesn't want Ethan to go to sleep in his own room since then she'd be alone with the storm outside but also she doesn't want him to fall asleep in the position he is in now, because he would definitely hurt his neck and back.

"Damiano has the biggest and most comfortable bed", Ethan mentions and hurries to explain "In our first night here, we all slept in it together".

He gets up and Calypso cups her hand around the flame of their last tea light

"Any chance Damiano has candles in his bedroom?"

Reaching to hold Ethan's hand on their walk through the dark house had felt so natural that Calypso didn't even notice it at first.

Focusing her attention on her feet and on the small flame in her hand, her grip on Ethan had tightened and once they had made it to Damiano's room, she was super aware of his hand in hers.

"Feels like we are intruders", Ethan laughs while looking around the big room, Damiano's bed is big enough for both of them to sleep in without having to touch each other.

"Pretty stupid intruders, we walked past all these expensive paintings, old books and you guy's jewellery in the bathroom", Calypso places the candle on the drawer and kicks off her slippers, falling down on the soft matress of the bed with a sigh.

"His bed is so much more comfortable than mine or Vic's", she remarks and moves so her head falls on one of the many pillows.

"Buona Notte", she mumbles and feels the bed dip beside her when Ethan climbs onto the matress.

"Bonne Nuit Calypso", he whispers, eyes falling close once he uttered the last word and both fall asleep with the flickering light of the tea light protecting their sleep.

With the right person one of your biggest nightmares can turn in to a beautiful dream.

𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒑𝒔𝒐 ( 𝑬𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝑻𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒐)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon