Chapter 17

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As both of them sat drinking their coffee, they had a really nice moment.
This is how their conversation went:
Sid: Your different.
Ashi: Umm...thanks? I think...
Sid: I mean it in a good way. Like, I thought you were some crazy fangirl who was obsessed with me.
Ashi: You think I'm crazy?
Sid: No! Your different. Like from anyone I've ever met before.
*Ashi blushed a little*
Ashi: So what's it really like being a famous YouTuber?
Sid: Honestly, it is kind of lonely.
Ashi: What? No! I am sure it's not!
Sid: Yes it is, I mean, it is just me and my older sister Vaishnavi.
Ashi: Your sister is Vaishnavi?! But she works for you!
Sid: She does...she is my assistant, my producer, my lawyer. She basically does everything for me.
Ashi: Oh, but you have almost 8 Million Subscribers. How are you lonely?
Sid: Well, people always assume that the more subscribers you have and the more famous you are, the more friends you have. But it is honestly kinda the opposite.
Ashi: Well, I don't have any subscribers, nor any friends.
Sid: Well, what about your sister?
Ashi: Avneet?! She's not my friend. She hates my guts.
Sid: Well, I would kill to have a brother even if he hated my guts.
Ashi: Umm...well, I have my cousin Abhishek...mabye I can introduce you guys.
Sid: Oh...yeah...I will be happy.
Ashi: Well, atleast you have one subscriber who's a friend.
Sid: Who?
Ashi: Me! Dummy!
Sid: *chuckled* oh, okay! Well, then you can't say that you don't have any friends either!
Ashi: huh?
Sid: I am talking about me. Dummy!
Both of them laughed.
Ashi: Oh, okay!
"This is preety good" she said pointing to the coffee.
"Thank you. I made it myself!" Sid said.
"Wow! Who taught you! " Ashi said.
And thus, the evening passed in the sweet sound of their laughter.
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Atleast comment and tell how the chap was.

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