Hi! Oops

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First Larry fanfiction I have written so please bear with me and sorry for the typos.

Please leave respectful comments and if you want to say something please come to me. Not the comments on my book.

(In editing)

'Heart shattered mind devoured. Where to let my soul be free.
Wasting time for a nobody who never wanted me with your harsh words and your metal games I will never be the same,' Louis wrote down in his book. He ran his hands down his face. Exhausted from staying up all night. Could not sleep. Too many nightmares every time he closed his blue eyes. He turned off his light and plopped down on his bed hoping for a good night's rest. Or so he thought.

Twenty minutes later he heard a big bang. He got up to see what it was. A curly lad had accidentally hit his mailbox. He put his shoes on and ran outside. He went towards the tallboy. He was saying "no no no fuck". The curly-haired boy ran a hand through his beautiful curly hair. "Hi," Louis said. He wanted to say calm and not piss off his new next-door neighbor.

"Oops" was all that the boy said. He looked Louis in his blue eyes. "I'm sorry sorry", he said. Louis really didn't care he could just go buy another one. "It's fine mate really". Louis started at the green-eyed fucking hot. ass man. "heh erm so I'm Harry", Harry said. Louis looked at Harry. Beautiful. He looked at his fit body. His dimples when he smiles to say something. His beautiful green eyes. "I'm Louis," he said.

"Well I hope your done driving," Louis said. Harry laughed. He loves Harry's laugh he thought. "Oh god no I'm a bloody bad driver," Harry said. "Yeah um do you need some help? "He asked. Harry was melding with his keys "Sure" He smirked and went to grab a box.

They got inside and set down the boxes. Louis looked at Harry's stuff Harry went back out to get."I'm a painter that's why there's a lot of painting shit" Harry told Louis. "Eh I can't judge really I'm a poet" Louis looked at Harry" I'll have to read them sometime. "He smiled. He is cute when he smiles Louis thought.

He helped Harry bring in his stuff. He was always happy. Or cracking really awful jokes that Louis still laughed at.

From Louis's window above his desk, he had a perfect view of Harry through his huge window. He was unpacking. Louis watched as he put his hair in a bun. He liked Harry's hair up. He felt like a creep so he moved and went to go watch tv. He then heard a knock on his door. He wondered who the hell would be at his door. Then he thought Harry.

"Hey, I was trying to bake cookies and ran out of flour do you have any I could use," Harry asked. Louis smiled. Of course, he had Flour and we'll he didn't cook a lot. He grabbed the bag. He walked to Harry. "Here keep it I don't cook anything at all do yeah", He laughed out.

"You don't cook regular food how are you living", Harry asked. "I'm not living love just barely surviving", He said. Harry's face went into a frown he was now looking at his feet. "Same," he said. "Thanks for the flour Louis", he said in a sad type of voice. He walked home. Then about twenty minutes later he was dancing around in his living room. Louis watched as Harry's hair Wich was now down was hitting his face and how Harry's hips moved in a way Louis couldn't explain.

Louis got a call from his friend Zayn. "Hey yooooo this hot chick at the bar got up all over my Liam I need help she won't stop", zayn cried. Louis always knew zayn was in love with Liam you could see it but fucking Liam and Zayn were clueless mother fuckers. Zayn was always shy and Liam just didn't have eyes. "Just tell him how you feel" Louis explained. "He will just reject me I would rather have his killing friendship than not him at all", Zayn's words were slurred. "Tell him Zayn or he will be taking that girl home", Louis almost yelled into the phone.

Zayn hung up. Louis groaned. He sat on his couch. Then he got a call from Liam.
And drunk Liam wasn't good when it came to Zayn. "Haaay Zayny is all over this guy Louis help me he looking at him like he is lunch meat that is my man" Liam cried. Louis rolled his eyes. Thankful for not being a social person. "Just tell him how you feel or that man will be putting something in your man", Louis scoffed tired of this. He is about to lock them in a room and until they fuck he isn't letting them out until everything is set right.

"I'll talk to you later", Liam said. Louis sat at his desk. He went to go write but literally, nothing was in his danm mind. Blank. It was like he was looking into a blank wall wishing for words or anything else to appear. He groaned and got up. He went to his room. He lays on his messy bed. He was bored not able to sleep. So he did the first thing he hasn't done in almost a month to clean his room.

He finally fell asleep for like two minutes. And was woken up by a curly-haired lad with brown chocolate chip cookies. "Hey Louis do you want any," he asked. His eyes hit straight to the ground. He had a little smile on his face. "Well, you did use my flour mate" Louis smirked. The attractive boy smiled. It was like his face lit up. "Yeah I did" he laughed. "Well do you want to come in", Louis laughed. He moved. His hand was away from the door and Harry walked in. Louis shut the door thinking this dude was adorable.

The Painted Poet (A Larry stylinson AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt