''Wow!..I had never seen someone can explain something so good.'' Carl said while looking at Andreana.

''I know! my teacher just talked and talked and never explained where those numbers came from, or how to solve it..But now I get it! Thanks Andreana.''

"No problem, I like to help people.''

Then we continue talking about subject that we like and other stuff. I only like science, History, and technology.

''Uh I don't want to alarm you but Ethan and his gang are coming.'' Carl said looking through the window.''

I turned and I couldn't help but feel nervous just the sight of them approaching. Before I could say anything they were already inside the cafeteria and a voice that I can only recognize as Ace yelled.

''I'm hungry!.''

Everybody turned their attention to them. I didn't bother turning my head towards them, I just looked down at the table, as if they weren't here at all.

''Do you want to run away from them, Mark?'' Scarlet said chuckling.

''Nah, let's just wait until they are gone.'' I said.

I regained my composure, until I remembered something I wanted to ask Scarlet days ago. '' Hey Scarlet..um How did you much about them? Were you friends to them in the past or something?''

Now Carl and Andreana curious eyes were on her. She laughed nervously and then sighed. ''Ok, I think it's time for you all to know some things.''

We keep looking at her expectantly now knowing that she had something to tell us. ''But, first let's go to a more silent place.''

We shrugged and stood as well, walking toward the cafeteria exit doors. I didn't know, why but I felt someone had its eyes on me as I exited.

We followed Scarlet to the school back yard, where some boys were playing football and others was running around.

We sat at the bleachers, except for Scarlet who stood in front of us, if she was telling a story to us.

''So, Scarlet. What is this so important things you have to tell us?'' Carl asked.

''Ok, first of all, I know many things about them because I was in there group and there friends before.''

My mouth hung open, but I didn't say anything, neither did the others, we just waited for her to continue.

''We used to have much fun back there. I was friends with Kyla, jack, Ace and Angela believe it or not but she is my bestfriend, we hung out all the time, go to different places and go to parties. They even acted differently from what they do now. They were more friendly and weren't jerks there are now days. I don't know why they change.''

''So...why did you leave the group?''

She stayed quiet a bit. ''Ethan was my boyfriend.''

''WHAT!?" we all said, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

Scarlet chuckled at our reaction. I was surprised at her confession, I never thought Scarlet and Ethan would be together or in a relationship.

''Yeah, when we were an official couple and had been dating for about 4 months and a half. I noticed Angela was being flirtatious with Ethan, and I started feeling uneasy. So one day he broke up with me saying that he found someone better, and I was so mad at him that I slap him across his face and yelled 'Who is she' then she appeared behind him so innocently, when she obviously knew that Ethan was my boyfriend.''

She sighed. I could see in her eyes that the memory made her sad. I had never seen her that way.

''Anyway, I couldn't stand it anymore so left them and that's the reason I stop hang out and being friends with them...so now I'm there ex-member or friends and Ethan ex-girlfriend.''

I'M SORRYजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें