We stood on a dock with a lake in front of us, "Why are we here?" I question as I catch my breath from running,

"We're going in." Jay pulled down his sweats revealing the black briefs he had on his neck tattoos
out and his hair a mess from running,

I remember the way you looked this day Jay, you were red and looked so young and happy with the cheerful glint in your eyes.

You didn't look like the emotionless man I met all those month's ago you looked like a new person, and I stood in awh looking at you.

"What?!" I looked at him like he was crazy and he only chuckled the smile on his face never leaving, "Are you crazy? it's freezing cold." He was clearly not thinking straight but when I saw him run and jump into the lake a loud splash and water droplets landing on me, I completely 100% knew that he had lost his mind.

"Come in!" His head popped up from the water a couple seconds after,

"But it's coldddddd!" I whined tossing my head back like a baby.

"Please." he begged floating in the water. Sometimes I forget that he's older then me and that we both aren't nineteen.

"Fine." I pouted but inside I was excited and shutting my eyes I ran into the freezing cold lake, my hair falling out the bun style it was in losing my hair tie; and when my head came from underneath the water every piece of my hair was glued to my face.

"It's cold asshole!" I shouted splashing water i'm him,

"Did you just splash me?" He acted hurt and I rolled my eyes playfully, "Oh you're going to regret that!" He swam towards me and I stupidly tried "running." in the water he grabbed my hips and I screamed but I was quickly cut off as he tossed me in the air and I landed underneath the water.

When I arrived back up I huffed, "I hate you." I swam up to him and he grabbed my waist lifting me up and I wrapped my arms and legs around him,

"That's not nice." He used his thumb wiping a water droplet from my bottom lip,

"My nose hurts." I pouted once again sniffling, playing with the his long hair that grew a lot and I wondered when was the last time he cut it was, "That isn't nice that you caused this problem."

He planted a kiss on the tip of my nose twirling us around in the water and I giggled holding him tightly , "You amaze me, Baila." he confessed looking at me in my eyes and I stared into his deep brown ones,

"You amaze me, Jay."

And those words were true, he amazed me in every way, He made me feel stuff I have never felt and I adored that about him. He made my heart flutter when he smiled, and made me feel sad when he wasn't around to make my heart feel that way. I wondered when I started needing him.

"We should head home." He let go of my waist and took my arms from around his neck leaving me confused as he swimmer to the dock grabbing his sweats and walking towards the house.

"Where are you going?!?" I screamed grabbing my clothes and running after him, when he didn't answer I screamed again, "Jay! did I do something?!"

Why did his mood change all of a sudden? did I say something?

I walked into the house following the wet trail and I saw him packing up walking from the bathroom to the room putting everything inside the bag, "Jay?" I called his name again and he kept on ignoring me walking inside the bathroom with clothes and shutting the door as I walked up to it.


I knocked on the door three times, "Jay talk to me.. did I say something??" I grabbed the knob twisting it but it was locked, I let out a huff grabbing some clothes and changing myself.

Once I was done I cleaned the dishes putting them away and walking back into the room, When I saw he still wasn't done I grabbed the bag and the keys, "I'll be in the car!" I told him hoping for a response but still nothing.

As I put the stuff  in the car he finally walks out in a black button up and some black pants, locking the door he makes his way towards the car, jumping in the driver seat running the engine.

The whole drive was silent, he didn't give me a glance even when we arrived at the house and I didn't try speaking to him neither.

When walking inside the house the living room was full of different people when I made my way upstairs there was 5 different people in my room, "Hello Baila." A lady came up to me, "We've been waiting for you, please stand there." She pointed to a stand and I nodded already knowing this was probably for
my fitting.

Hello guys! I really write chapters when i'm in the mood... there's no specific time when i'm going to update, I haven't been on wattpad which is why I haven't been posting 😭! i'm mostly on tumblr reading, but i'm going to start posting on here a lot more so be on the lookout.

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