
214 10 38

(three months later)

azail :

life is funny, isn't it? just when you think you have got it all figured out, just when you finally begin to plan something, get excited about it and feel like you know what direction you are heading in.
the path changes, the sign changes, the wind blows the other way. north is suddenly south and east is west and you are completely...lost

After entering the silver wire inside the piece of emerald mineral crystal, i take the metal that's drown out into the form of a thin flexible thread and bend it down on either sides using my bare hands.

I ran my fingers through my hair, then i take the ring stick just to place the gem right on top of the number six, next i wrap the wire around it two times in front of the stone and two other times behind it, so now that I have four wraps on the bottom and two thin metals that resemble a rod sticking straight out.

I lean closer taking the right one between my thump and index finger to make a wrap around the stone two times with it, than i repeat the same action with the left one.

Since I have especially gotten my ring formed, i pull it off of the ring stick and i finish off by rolling the little wires still sticking out around the sides, i push it through and pull it out from underneath to get a tighter wrap.

After three rolls, i take the plush cutter and trim off the rest of the silver thin metal. Using the chain nose plier, i press those wires on the inside so they don't poke me when i wear the ring.

" Et voilà ! " I exclaim in delight, placing it on the one lonely finger on my hand, grinning in admiration of my work!

But my smile fade away when i observed the cardboard box that held some of my ring making tools kit, i inhale sharply and i felt my toes curl out of habit.

Hooking my feet around the chair legs, I lean down and pick it up to place it on my wooden desk. I collect the equipments i have just used to make...probably my last ring for a while.

I threw them in the box, then i position my palm on the drawer knob pulling it forward, i take out a tape and use it to cover the top of the box.

I jump on my feet, lifting the large box and keeping it to my waist level as i head downstairs.

Approaching the bottom of the stairs, i heard a subtle movement coming from the kitchen, whom i assumed was Ann, my aunt that i live with, the kitchen was around the corner though, so it's impossible to see her from here.

With the heavy box in between my arms almost taking my breath away, i walk towards the noises. Turning to the corner and entering an open room filled with cooking equipments, i lay the carton on top of the black limestone counter, resting a hand on my racing heart as i let out a harsh breath.

I lift my head up when the smell of breakfast filled my nostrils to see Ann standing there with her back facing me, long black hair hunging down her admittedly bony shoulders and her voluptuous figure was covered in a red vibrant lingerie dress, she was full on cooking a pan sizzling with something on the stone while multitasking, bread in the toaster and chopping something on the cutting board...

Despite her age Ann still likes to take care of herself the same, her beauty is indescribable just like her heart she's really compassionate and beneficent. I look up to her in many ways. she's been my parent, my best friend and my very cool aunt ever since that incident happened. She's also strong and independent, she pays her own bills, buys her own things, and does not allow any man to affect her stability or self-confidence.

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