Start from the beginning

He gives no dignifying response, pause or second thought before he slides is hands down her waistband and into her soft cunt. "There it is," he says, as he caresses his fingers in her wetness.

"I told you, I'm armed and dangerous," she says as she widens her stance to allow his fingers to gain better access.

With one hand he secures her hands on the back of her head, while the other hand explores every possible nook, cranny and hiding place of her pussy. He burrows his fingers deeper into her hole still seeking to find the weapon it conceals. His rough fingers pressing against her vaginal walls make her squirm. He presses his fingers hard on her clit and rocks them back and forth. "Is this it? Is this your weapon?"

"Sex is a weapon and you've got your finger on the trigger. Don't be afraid to pull it."

His fingers are short and thick. Two of them fill her up quite nicely, but when he slipped the third in, that was the tipping point. "At least read me my rights before you throw me in the back of your car and fuck me senseless," she says in between pants. In one sweeping motion, he whips her hands from off her head and behind her back.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you ... I think we can just skip the rest." He lifts her hunched body off the frame of her car and leads her to his squad car. "You're under arrest."

She tries to resist, but between his tight grip and her overstretched pussy, her resistance is only minimal. She walks with a wider gap than normal thanks to the half fisting he'd given her. "Listen. Please! You can't arrest me."

"Watch me."

"Wait. Wait," she says, only putting up half of a fight.

"Watch your head," he says as he's about to put her in the back seat.

"Maybe we can work something else out instead."

He turns her around and sits her on the seat in front of him. The bright floodlights no longer impair her vision now that they've moved off to the side. It wasn't until then that she sees him for the first time. This wasn't just some ordinary cop. No. This was the Police Commissioner, Bradford Sanders who has her accosted like some Jane off the street. He recognizes her too, but he doesn't break form.

"You've been a bad girl, haven't you?"

"Yes, I have. I've been a bad, bad, BAD girl. Will you punish me? Please punish me."

He takes his handcuffs from his belt and squeezes one on her right wrist. He locks the other end of the cuffs to the metal bars covering the window. She is now fully stretched along the back of the squad car; the cheap pleather of the seat is sticking to her and burning her back. He unfastens his pants and lets them drop to about the middle of his thigh. His dick is rather impressive for such a small man. He put the condom on the tip of his penis and rolls it back slowly to accentuate the length of his shaft. It's a good ten inches. Jennifer really hadn't prepared for such a massive undertaking as this. No matter. She prepares herself for the pending police brutality via The District's top cop. And what punishment it was. He slid all of himself into her at once.

"Jesus Christ you've got a big dick! Easy!"

He wasn't here to take it easy on her. That's the last thing he wants to do. He wants to take all the anger he's save up, all the stress of his day and use her pussy as a means to vent those frustrations. He slams the second stroke into her. She pulls down and the handcuff digs into her wrist. His extra long strokes carve out an uncharted path directly to her uterus. His dick touches parts of her pussy she never knew existed. She twists and turns but the cramped quarters don't allow for any extra movement. With her free hand she grips his collar and pulls him down into her. Maybe closer proximity will soften the blows. His deep curve is reshaping her. New crests and valleys are being cut out with each thrust of his mighty loins. She throws her leg over his hip and digs her heel into his half exposed ass. She mimics his downward throws, forcing him to go deeper into. She's never been so completely filled up before. It hurts so good. His heavy breaths are hot on her neck. She can tell he is getting close.

Dominus  (Book I: parts 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now