Chapter 2: To the Royal Capital of the Clover Kingdom

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Name: talking

' ' thinking

" " quoting

[] {] () Author notes

* * scene/pov/emotion



*Outside hage Village*

So, looks like Asuna does have some power in her... but I'm worried just how much it might be.

Asuna: *stern, determined* No.... I won't give up.... I'll become the Wizard Queen... but first. *grabs Revchi's foot* I'M GOING TO KICK THIS GUY'S ASS!!!!

That was all she said before her grimoire appeared before her. What appeared to be a tattered and worn book with a clover sporting 5 leaves on it instead of the normal 3 or the already rare 4 leaves. The book itself was surrounded by some aura that honestly concerned me. This energy that it gave off, it felt....cold. However, at this point I was proud that Asta had her grimoire, it meant that she did have it in her.

Suddenly, Asuna's grimoire opened up and out of the pages came the hilt and the bottom half of a sword as it stayed within the book.

Yuma: *smiles* I knew she would have been chosen.

(Y): *smirks* Yep, even if she is losing, she always seems to pull off the unthinkable. That's just what it means to be Asuna.

Soon, behind Asuna shot up this crazy shadow, but for some reason it felt like I was the only one who saw it as the shadow was tall and thin, with long claw like fingers and had two large wings on its back.

Soon, behind Asuna shot up this crazy shadow, but for some reason it felt like I was the only one who saw it as the shadow was tall and thin, with long claw like fingers and had two large wings on its back

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Revchi: *freaking out* Wh-What is that grimoire?! That sword! Just who are you?! *pissed, summons more chains* You little wretch with no magical powers! *launches chains at Asuna*

Asuna then picked up her sword with ease and gave it a mighty swing and at first it seemed to do nothing, but soon, the chains that Revchi summoned disappeared like dust in the wind as Revchi began to panic.

Revchi: *scared* She nullified my magic?!

Then, as she tensed up her muscles, Asuna brought the sword down to her side and then lunged forwards at Revchi as she prepared to swing the sword.

Asuna: *dramatic* Even without magical powers, I'm going to become the Wizard King! Not giving up is my MAGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asuna then swung her sword with enough force to send an invisible shockwave through the air at Revchi. The wave sent Revchi flying as he was imbedded into the wall before collapsing toward the ground. It wasn't until shortly after that the chains around Yuma and I disappeared and I pulled out my grimoire and looked down at the 5 leafed clover on my cover and wondered what exactly it meant.

The Lazy Magician (Black Clover Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now