22. Well? Whaddya Say, Commander?

Magsimula sa umpisa

His eyes began wandering. He was pondering again, but for longer this time. Much longer. In fact, it felt like the world had slowed down. The embers in my heart grew hotter with every passing second. I habitually played with my hair and mentally plucked flower petals as the heat increased. Yes? No. Yes? No. Yes? No.

Seconds passed, and I continued plucking petals. The fire grew hotter still, and I kept twirling my hair. Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into... well... okay, I'm exaggerating. But why is he taking so damn long? Ngh... my heart's gonna burn.

He's pursing his lips. What's going on in his head. Am I crazy or is he really taking a long time?

I glanced at Richelieu. She looked concerned too.

So, I'm not crazy. He is taking a while.

"Commander?" Richelieu said. "Is there a problem?"

"Huh? N-No," he said. "I'm just... thinking."

About what?!!

Damn it, I'm gonna burn to a crisp! Is it that hard of a decision, Commander?! What the hell is going on in your head? Do you have to put that much thought into spending time with me?

...or are thinking of a way to let me down gently? Is it because I screamed at you? Or because you need a break from me today? Or both?

No! Jean, don't let this fire burn you, remember? Stay strong... no matter what his answer is.

...would be way easier if he'd just answer me already!

After what felt like an eternity, he looked up at me. Every heartbeat felt like sparking flint and tinder. I could feel my pulse in my ears.

"Well?" I coaxed. "Yes or no?"

Call me impatient, but I can't take this anymore! I want an answer, damn it!

I didn't even realize my head had subconsciously tilted down so I couldn't see his face. I death-gripped my ponytail with both my clammy hands, holding my breath as I waited for his voice to hit my ears.

This is it! C'mon, Commander! Don't let me down! Please!



...why aren't you talking?! Answer me!

"...I'd love to."

...ergh... damn it. I knew it. I did shoot myself in the foot by yelling. Who am I kidding? I can't compete with the other ships, and...

...wait. Wh-What did he say?

"Come again?" I said.

He smiled. "I said I'd love to."


He flinched at my volume.

"I mean... um... g-good. Good." I stammered.

I blushed profusely, and I could hear Richelieu giggling beside me.

I wanted to scold her, but I was too busy fighting the smile on my face.

"Sorry for taking a while to answer," he said. "I forgot that I had something else planned for the evening. I was thinking of a way to work you in. But I thought of something to give us the rest of the day together."

"Oh..." I said. "Well, if you already had plans..."

Jean, what the hell are you saying?! You've already got him! Don't shoot yourself in the foot!

"No no, I promise it's fine," he said. "I'd much rather go out with you."

...he would?

"Aw...!" Richelieu said.

A Pirate's CrushTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon