Happy Christmas!!!

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Skyler's POV

ITS CHRISTMAS YAY PRESENTS FOOD PRESENTS AND MORE FOOD!!!!!!! I'm actually quite hungry if you didn't know by now. The guys might still be sleeping but me and Camila are already awake. We went downstairs to make the boys pancakes. I wanted to make them like Christmas trees but that would take time and I don't wanna waste my time on that.

I was about to start making them when the doorbell rang. Camila decided to not help me anymore and went to my room. I honestly have no clue who was at the door. The doorbell rang again and I yelled, "Coming!!" I opened the door and saw some random people.

"Um, may I help you?" I asked. Then they started to sing a Christmas carol. Not this again!! They did this all the time in the orphanage, it drove me crazy!!

"That's very nice singing, but I have to go." I was gonna close the door but they kept it open and continued singing.

"Ok, thank you but I don't want to hear anymore." I looked at all of them and I felt a little dizzy when I saw a particular person.

"Ok, mom, can we sing another song?" Stephania.

"Sure sweetie. You can pick." She picked jingle bells.

"Get off my property right now." I said.

"Or what? You're gonna call the police on us?" Asked Stephania.

"Maybe I will. So go away."


"Go away. Unless you actually want me to call the cops and say that the girl who bullied me after I got back from the hospital is on my property and doesn't want to leave." I said.

"Fine, but I'll come back another day."

"You know I can get a restraining order on you?"

"Bye." She slammed the door and left. Thankfully.

I went back to the kitchen to make so much pancakes. I'm starving. I think I could eat like Niall right now. I finished making them and went upstairs back to my room. I saw Camila and Niall jumping on my bed.

"Skyler, guess what!?!" She screamed.

"What?" I said.

"Its Christmas!!!!" She yelled jumping on me and luckily I caught her.

"Happy Christmas!!!" She said. She never said Merry Christmas and I don't know why.

"Happy Christmas, Camila."

"Skyler guess what!?!" Yelled Niall getting off the bed.



I chuckled and said,

"Merry Christmas Niall."

"Where's my present?" He asked.

"You can't be asking that! But you can go downstairs and wait for everybody to wake up to open the presents."

"Ok, let's go wake them up!!" Niall ran out of the room with Camila in his arms. I saw them run into Liam's room. I walked into Zayn's room and just did the randomest thing that came to my mind.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, wake up, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." And I poked him with each hey. That didn't work so I got on his bed, starting jumping and sang,

"So wake me up when its all over!!! When I'm wiser and I'm older!! All this time I was finding myself and I..I didn't know I was lost." Then I layed myself on top of him and stretched.

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