I've Never Been So Scared Of Being Alone (Part 2)

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Ryan was getting better. Ryan felt better. Every day was spent with Brendon's hand tangled in his own, cute kisses and warm cuddles on Brendon's couch. Brendon was always there to comfort him and calm his nerves. But what Ryan will never understand is the day Brendon came to him sobbing.

"Ryan, I love you." Brendon blubbered over and over again as he stood on Ryan's doorstep, sobbing. Ryan brought him up to his bedroom where they spent many of their nights. Ryan sat down on his bed, pulling Brendon into his arms. Brendon kept saying the same four words over and over again and Ryan was getting worried.

"Bren, what happened?"

"Ryan, I took a bunch of pills." Brendon confessed, his head buried in his lover's chest, taking in the smell of the cheep cologne Brendon had bought him. This only made him cry harder.

"Brendon, we could get you to the hospital! We can help you!" Ryan was frantic but Brendon only shook his head.

"No, Ryan, there's nothing left for me here." Ryan was now too sobbing. "You're the only thing. I love you, Ryan. Be happy without me." Ryan buried his head in Brendon's hair.

"I can't, Bren, I love you. Only you." He sobbed. "You were the only one who helped me when I was sinking. You're my one and only."

"No, Ry. There's so much better." Brendon sobbed. "Go find Pete. He still loves you, you know? You can marry him, have so many children..." Brendon trailed off.

"No, Brendon. All I want is you. I don't want Pete, Brendon. I want you." Ryan was hiccuping, running out of tears. Brendon clutched onto Ryan's shirt.

"Please, Ry. You have to move past this." Brendon whispered.

"I don't want to. I can't forget you."

"Then don't try." Brendon murmured, picking up his head and pressing his lips to Ryan's cheek. "Remember me and all the fun and bad times we had. But please just move on." Brendon's voice was getting caught in his throat as his breathing slowed, his lips brushing against Ryan's skin as he talked. "You deserve better."

"I don't. Brendon. I love you."

"I love you too, Ry." Brendon muttered sadly. "Hey, Ry?" Brendon asked, smiling softly.

"Yeah?" Ryan gasped for air.

"Your face is all red." He chuckled, his eyes slipping shut.

"Brendon?" Ryan sobbed, hugging said man closer to him. He held his face and shook his shoulders. "Brendon please." Ryan cried harder as he stared at the motionless body of his lover. "Brendon. Bren. I love you." Ryan choked out as he picked up the phone, asking for an ambulance, already knowing Brendon was dead.


"So he took a bunch of pills and came to your hosue to apologize and you didn't think to call sooner?" The stone cold voice of the police officer asked and Ryan shook his head, looking away from his stone cold green eyes.

"I-I, he asked me not to." Ryan was crying again and thus police officer was not helping. He just wanted to go home and sleep. He just lost the fucking love of his life.

"Well sometimes you have to do things you're ask not to for the greater good. He's dead, son!" The officer snapped.

"You don't think I fucking know that?!" Ryan exploded, chair legs scraping against the tile floor, cup of coffee dropped to the floor as he stood up in anger. "I fucking loved him! You didn't have to watch him die! You don't know the position I was in!" Ryan yelled.

That night Ryan Ross was arrested for the murder of Brendon Urie. He didn't have anyone to bail him out and he didn't want anyone to. He had nothing else to do with his time. He didn't fucking kill Brendon and the police knew it too. They needed to stick the weird suicide on someone so why not the grieving lover? Ryan was too numb to fight anymore.

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