♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨 ♥

Start from the beginning

Dhani nodded. "I d-don't like Yoko..."

"I know, I know." George said, "but she likes you, just like mummy said. Sometimes you have to make the effort with people who are difficult to get along with, because they're worth it in the end."

I wasn't sure if that philosophy applied to the bitch that was Yoko Ono, but I didn't dare interrupt George's little speech.

"Okay," I said, bringing them back to the present, "let's go, then, or we'll be late."

* * * * *

We arrived at Tittenhurst Park; John and Yoko's home, and we were late. Ringo and Maureen and their two boys were there, and Paul was there with Linda and Heather. As soon as George stopped the car in front of where the others were all crowded, I noticed John looked directly into the backseat and at Julian and Dhani, who always sat beside each other in the car. I was holding Jack since the car wasn't big enough for his car seat - George had promised to buy a larger one as soon as he found one that was nice.

I got out first and then George, and we both opened the childrens' car doors. Nancy climbed out of the side that I opened, and Dhani and Julian got out of George's side.

John came over to them immediately. I took Nancy's hand and led her over to Heather and Linda, who were sitting together in the shade, slightly away from the others. Linda was extremely pregnant, and was due any day. I knew that she was exhausted and would be unlikely to do much activity today. I sat with her and the two girls played together.

George's POV

Emeraude took Jack and Nancy over to the shade to sit with Linda and Heather, and I took the boys. Dhani was clutching at his red cape which we had asked him not to put on until a little later in the day, and Julian was holding a camera with no film in it.

John came right over and I froze up.Em and I had talked about keeping the children - especially Dhani and Jules - away from John and Yoko due to their growing drug habit of harder stuff than marijuana, but in practise it was hard to keep them away from John because he was all over them. I knew that he probably missed having a child - and, though I wasn't supposed to know it, I also knew that Yoko had miscarried two children since she and John had first become a couple.

"Hello, boys!" John exclaimed.

Julian, who was bolder than Dhani, replied, "hello, Uncle John." He shot me a look. Julian was a very precocious six-year-old.

Dhani, however, hid behind my legs and clutched more tightly at the red material of his cape.

John put a hand on Julian's shoulder before he came to stand slightly in front of me, kneeling down so he could be face-to-face with Dhani, who was peering around the side of me.

"Dhani?" John said quietly. Dhani was silent. "Are you going to talk to me?" Dhani disliked John and Yoko immensely.Em and I had tried to counsel him through it slightly, but I think that Yoko scared Dhani and he associated John with the scary woman - I didn't blame him, honestly. Together, the two of them were very odd. John noticed the cape and hummed for a second before he asked, "is Super Dhan going to make an appearance today?"

At that, Dhani nodded, albeit hesitantly.

John smiled, "what's he going to rescue?"

I looked away from Dhani and John for a split second to see Paul with Julian in his arms, talking animatedly. That was good because it meant that I could focus on Dhani for a few minutes. Yoko was nowhere to be seen. Ringo, Maureen and the two boys; Zak and Jason, were on their way over to Linda, Heather, Nancy, Jack andEm.

I looked back down at Dhani, who was emerging from behind my legs slowly, as if he was starting to warm up to John. I didn't want this, and neither didEm. We wanted to keep the children safe, especially the two that were John's biologically.

"Where's Yoko?" I asked. Dhani cowered behind me once more.

John sighed and stood up, looking directly into my eyes.

"She's petitioning the photographer." John deadpanned.

"For what?" I asked in surprise.

John shrugged, turned and walked away.

* * * * *

Emeraude's POV

It was the perfect day. We had a giant picnic, and then in the afternoon, we - the wives and children - watched the band pose for photos. Yoko refused to come out of the large house for most of the day, stating that the sun would ruin her porcelain skin, which, in reality, was nowhere near as pale as she would have liked to think. Linda, Maureen and I liked her absence, and the children did, too.

Very quickly, I gave up trying to stop Dhani from wearing his cape, and insisted instead that he stayed away from the photographer in case the bright red of the cape distracted him.

As the three of us; Linda, Maureen and I, watched the band pose for the photoshoot, we were in agreement; there was something oddly morose and sombre about the occasion. We all knew that the union of The Beatles were coming to an end, though none of us said it aloud to each other, but there seemed to be something so final about the band's poses.

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