Chapter 41: You're Free

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It's probably 5 am, you, Steve ad Sam was standing in the corner, behind the Dora Milaje as Bucky was sitting in front of the fire pit, the yellow of the fire reflecting on his face. The sweating trickling down, as he stared at it.

"It is time," Ayo said as she walked towards him. 

"Are you sure about this?" He asked looking up at her, and then at you guys. 

"I won't let you hurt her" She nodded. Walking closer to him "желание(Longing),"

"No, what are you doing. Stop!" You yelled trying to get to Bucky, but Steve held you back as the Dora Milaje used their spares to block you from stepping forward. You fell to the ground, still in Steve's hands 

"Please no, stop" You cried. 

Ayo ignored you and continued "ржавый (Rusted), семнадцать (Seventeen),"

"It's not going to work," Bucky said as the tears dripped down his eyes and mixed with the sweat. 

"pассвет(Daybreak), печь(Furnace)" She continued, moving closer to his shaking body. Bucky sat there crying as all those memories of him as the winter soldier came back, trying to stop the words from getting into his head. Focusing on the fire in front of him. "Девять(Nine), Доброкачественные(Benign), Возвращение домой (Homecoming), Один(One), грузовой вагон (Freight Car)" Her voice softens, she waited for a second, looking at you guys then back at Bucky.

"You're free" She smiled. 

Bucky slowly tilted his head up at her, "You're free" She whispered again, Bucky looked down again, tears now freely falling from his eyes. She looked back at the women blocking you and gesture to let you free. As soon as they brought their spears up, you got up and bolted to Bucky, hugging him, tightening your grip around him as his hand held you closer by your waist. 

"I love you" You whispered into his ear, you leaned back, looking at him "I love you so much!" You held the sides of his face, not caring for the sweat drip all over your hands, kissing every inch of his face before your lips met. 

"You did it, Buck! Oh my god! You did it" You cried kissing him again. He nodded pulling you closer. 

"I love you so much! Y/N, so much!" 

You both sit there just looking at each other, holding each other, blurring everything around you, the only noise was the faint sounds of the fire crackling and your hot staggered breath fanning over each other. 

"Congrats Buck" Steve said walking up to you guys, breaking the trance. You and Bucky look up as Steve, Sam and Ayo were towering over you, Sam held a hand out, you accept it as you get off Bucky, who was helped by Steve to get up. Bucky nodded and hugged him. 

He turned to Ayo "Enkosi (Thank you)!" He whispered, lightly bowed his head to show his appreciation. She nodded back and turned to the women waiting behind. 

"We should be heading back, Shuri said she has things planned for you guys." She smiled before leading you guys back to the lab.

As soon as you guys stepped into the lab, Shuri came running towards you guys "I have something to show you guys!" She turned to Bucky, "Sargent Barnes?"

"Bucky" he smiled at her, stepping forward a little.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good" He looked back at the three of you standing close together, eagerly waiting to see what Shuri had planned for Bucky. He looked back at her "Thank you" She just smiled back. 

In love with a MONSTER ~ Bucky Barnes  (Completed)[Republished]Where stories live. Discover now