"Course, mother."

She wrapped her arms around me, giving my shoulders a sympathetic squeeze before leaving. Her words sounded so strong and sure, but as I looked up into the depths of her eyes I saw a flicker of something old and painful, definitely not forgotten. And wondered how honest she was being with herself...

It was a quarter after six in the morning, which was way to early for me to be up. But, my new school begins classes at 7:30 a.m., finishing up at 2:00p.m.. On the surface it seemed so strange for myself to get accustomed to such times, but mother reassured and explained the point was for me to accept the change of our new life style.

I sighed and slowed down myself, gathering my outfit for todays return back. I hoisted on my fish nets that ran from my feet up to my stomach, under, my black crop top that had a little ghost picture on the front. My favorite black skirt that fell just above my knees held up by my thin black belt which had tiny white upside-down crucifixes between each loop. I moved towards the mirror with my contact box within my hand. Little irritating dark blue lens that sadly covered my pretty purple eyes. Quickly adding on a bit of mascara and eye liner... Good enough?

I grabbed my satchel swiftly as I pulled it over my head onto my shoulder. I hesitated leaving my room for only a moment before I went downstairs. The floor creaking as I descended. I liked to walk with heavier steps to feel the reactions of the ground. Naturally we are built for stealth. We can move with lightness of a feather and our running speed gets faster within the wind.

"Darling, your breakfast is on the table. Please eat before school today so your cravings are controlled."
I look down towards the cup of O neg that sat gleaming bright red within the glass. It smelled so fresh- Something I used to be intimately familiar with. Something that made my stomach curl and somehow flutter like it had caged butterflies.

I didn't realize how quickly I indulged my thirst because the second I had finished, mother had been looking at me with a raised brow.

"How long has it been Vex?"
She poked as she scanned the details of my replenished face.

"Just a day," I paused shortly, "I hate drinking the donations from your clinic. Why can't I go hunt in the forest? There are more than enough animals lurking-"

Her hand met the table with a loud smack, before her brows furrowed at the thought.

"We have discussed this! We cannot bring any attention to us right now. We have an obligation to protect ourselves from humans and act normal. We have-"

I cut her off before she finished another famous lecture.

"We have a responsibility as the Filii Luna to protect humans. Yes, I know! But drinking the donations from them is causing more problems than it's solving." I argued as her face softened.

"Vex, I understand things are trying right now. But you are the strongest fledgling I have seen in my time- and the smartest. And you know that drinking will help your cravings last longer and enhance your Magik-"

We both became silenced as her timer went off on her watch.

"We can discuss this later. We will both be late if we continue."

She noted. Once again we are brushing off this argument to another inconvenient time. She handed me the keys to my Black 67' VW Beetle before departing our ways- Looking quickly at my hand to double check that I was wearing my daylight ring before entering the streets of Salem.
I followed the winding streets towards the school which was near the only forest.

It was a cool, clear October morning. The sun in the midst of full rise, it's bright light was almost a pretty contrast against the courtyard in soft yellow glows and beams that leaked through the trees surrounding. I could hear the fountain that sat proudly out back as I exited my vehicle, automatically changing directions as I headed towards it. Maybe the soothing trickle of the water would help my stress level...to help me forget what I'm missing.

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