Breaking news for today !!!

Hong Joochan informed his fans via sns about his best friend's current situation.....

Fans are very happy to know that their idol, Hong Joochan's friend who was missing for more than one year has come back safely.....


Rachel was sitting in his room, reading the news about Joochan's post. He had no expression on his face.

They are having a lot of fun now...
And me?
Guess Father will abandon me soon. He didn't even bother to tell me that they are planning to have new son. What a poor boy I am.

Slowly Rachel's eyes filled with tears. He threw his phone. Then started crying hugging his knees.

You were the one who told me that hurting others for ownself is not a crime. Then why are you now telling that what I did to Donghyun and Joochan is wrong?

Suddenly he felt someone's hands hugging him from his back. He realized it's his mom. He felt overwhelmed. He wanted to push his mother in anger but couldn't because he needed a hug badly.

His mom slowly spoke,  " Rachel... don't cry. It's okay. People make mistakes.  Let's start again. "

- " S-Start again? What do you mean? "

- " Forget about them. See how many people love you. Live for them. Joochan & Donghyun... they will live in their world when you'll live in your world.  No need to cross your path again. "

- " Aren't you planning to have another son? "

- " It was just a thought dear. "

- "  But-But what if they file lawsuit against me? Then Dad's reputation will be destroyed and then you'll have to abandon me. "

- " No I won't abandon you. And I will ask them not to file. They'll listen to me, I know. No need to take pressure.  After some days, let's ask forgiveness from them, they'll forgive us.  "

Rachel didn't tell anything. He continued crying. He was longing for this hug, this love for a long time. While feeling intense happiness to get mom by his side, a thought struck him hardly.

That he made a boy at his same age living without his mother for almost two years. He felt a pain. But he didn't want to admit it. Because if he did, his doings would be disclosed and then he would have to leave everything like Joochan.

The only way he could to stop that was to ask forgiveness from Joochan & Donghyun. But his pride wasn't allowing him.

He was confused.  He was lost. So he just continued crying. In deep of his heart he was feeling a pain. It was guiltyness. He tried to let all his out to the person in front of him, his mother.

                                          - - - - * * * * - - - -

- " Thank you Joochan for alway trying your best to find our child. We are grateful to you. "

- " T-Thank you auntie. I'm not a great person. You are praising me too much. "

Joochan replied shyly. Joochan's mom smiled and told,

- " I'm happy for Donghyun too. You all have gone through a lot. Losing son and reuniting with him after two long years.... I can't believe the pain you got. "

- " It's okay Sis. Indeed it was tough but I think from now Joochan will be more careful and protect our son. I know he is a very good boy. I'm glad my son has chosen him. "

Will We meet again? - Dongchan [Golden Child] Where stories live. Discover now