chapter 7

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Its been 2 months since me and Draco have been dating and keeping it a secret was a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be. I had to constantly lie to my closest friends, like pansy who made me promise Draco was hers at the beginning of first year.  i have been lying to my dad also because he despises the Malfoy family for reasons I don't exactly

understand, but its worth it for now. Draco is really nice and im glad we are together. Its also really fun to pretend we are still enemies in the hallways, although we haven't been enemies since the Blaise thing.

Im sitting in my dorm room with Pansy, while throwing around a yarn ball for Ares. "Do you think he likes me, y/n? I mean we were sitting next to each other in Transfiguration, and when he went to grab his wand, he "accidently" touched the back of my hand! Its meant to be!!" she went on for another few minutes talking about some random Slytherin 4th year. I blocked most of it out, focusing on Ares who was jumping around chasing after the ball. "y/n are you even listening? You know you have been acting different lately, why?"

"I don't think I have been acting differently. Maybe you've been so caught up drooling over that boy, you didn't notice that you are the one changing." She flinched at my words, taken a back.

"wow, at least I have someone to think about. I mean what do you even do in your free time y/n, take long strolls through the hallways, sighing about how much you hate life?" I was mad but arguing with Pansy about something she doesn't understand isn't worth the trouble, I gathered my things, rolled my eyes and left our dorm.

Draco was in the common room sitting with his friends. When he saw me, his eyes softened a little bit, but he kept his smirk. "aw is Snape so scared she has to go daddys room" His friends laughed making me roll my eyes and walk out of the common room into the cold dungeons. Normally I would walk around the halls, but with what pansy said I walked straight up to the Astrology tower. Setting up my picnic of blankets and pillows, like i did so often; sometimes with Draco, sometimes by myself. Tonight, I laid out watching the stars till I fell asleep dreaming of nothingness.

I awoke in the morning to the sound of the birds chirping, it's the end of November, so they are trying to get a head start on migrating. I head inside looking at my watch. Its early enough that I head back to my dorm to take a shower.

I walked into my dorm to see pansy sleeping and Ares laying on Pansys feet. Im still mad at her, those words hurt, not because they were true, but because they are so false and I cant even tell her. I jumped into the shower washed my hair, and body, shaved my legs and got out. I got dressed fast in my Slytherin robes and went to breakfast. It was still pretty early so there were only a few people at breakfast. I ate fast enjoying the almost silent breakfast and decided to go to the library to get an extra hour of studying in before the Charms exam.

I walked down the hallway to the library when a set of arms grabbed me around my waist and pushed me into a storage closet. Once inside they let go of me, allowing me to turn and set two gray smirking at me. "Draco! Someone could have seen you do that!" I whispered hugging him.

"relax will ya. No one was around that's why I did it. Now where did you go last night, meet a boy somewhere?" he joked.

"oh yeah I was hooking up with potter in the Gryffindor common room." we chuckled.
"I was just heading down to the library if you want to go, I have to study-" I was interrupted with a sweet little kiss. I kissed him back, getting lost in the moment and putting my arms around his neck, his moved down to my waist and we said like that until we heard the bell ring, signaling us that class was about to start. "Malfoy I was going to study. We wasted all that time!"

"did we really waste it though?" I blushed and hit him on the arm playfully. "we better go, I have transfiguration and I don't want to have to clean up McGonigal's office for being late." He kissed me on the cheek and left the closet.

I waited a few minutes before I went out walking to Divination and decided to spend that waste of a class studying for my charm's exam. We were studying aura readings in divination, and for a "prize" Trelawney went around the class and told everyone their auras. It was really just her lying to children about what she thought they needed to hear. I didn't buy and spent the majority of the hour with my nose into the charms book, until she got to me.
"Hmm Miss Snape lets see your aura." She grabbed my hand and hummed for a moment before continuing. "I sense some red for passion, blue for pain and sadness, and shades of black and brown for darkness and betrayal. The red is woven around the black. I think this means that your passion and love for someone will create a darkness in you, that the pain and hurt will fuel." I scoffed. How reliable is she really? I would have to talk to dad about her and see what he thinks.

The bell rang and i went to charms, this is the first class I have with Pansy today, and I still didn't want to talk to her. When I walked into charms, Pansy was already sitting at our table, right in front of the class, i moved to an empty seat in the back of the class, right behind dracos  spot. He shot me a confused glance, wondering why I didn't sit with Pansy, and I shrugged. Flitwick passed around the test and five minutes into it, draco reached back and passed me a origami swan, I unfolded it and read the note:

    Hey why aren't you sitting with Pansy?


He is so nosy I thought to my self and wrote back what had happened last night on the note and gave it back to him and returned to my test. When I finished my test I walked up to flitwicks desk, gave him the paper and made my way down the aisle of desks, making direct eye contact with pansy who glared at me like I was her sworn enemy. It made me even more mad and I rolled my eyes, walking straight into a body. "oh sorry" I looked up to see dracos piercing eyes.

He whispered in my ear, sending a chill down my spine, "do you want me to hex her?" he joked and continued to walk up to give his paper to Flitwick. He walked back and his gaze met mine giving me butterflies.

Later that night I was reading a book in the common room when Draco sat down next to me. There were still people in the room, so he didn't talk or look my way, just talked to his friends while I continued to read my book. After a while  everyone left the common room except Draco and I, he was wearing a quidditch hoodie and sweat pants, his blonde hair hanging over his eyes as he scooted closer to me, letting his hand rest on top of the hand I wasn't using to read my book. "whatcha reading, y/n?"

"oh nothing really, a book I found in the library." I whispered not looking up from my book.

"oh well in that case you wouldn't mind if I read along would you?" he said and grabbed the book from my hand and held open the book so both of us could comfortably read the pages. I scooted closer to him and put my legs across him, and laid my head on his shoulder, still reading the book.

After an hour of reading that way, I started to feel tired, I yawned and Draco looked up from the book. "sleepy?" he asked, and I nodded. He stood up and took off his hoodie, revealing a white shirt underneath, he gave me his hoodie and I put It on while he grabbed a blanket from his dorm. Once he got back, he laid down on the couch and moved to make room so I could lay on his chest. I fell asleep with him playing with my hair, engulfed with the scent of mint and apples.

a/n so i have a photo of third year DM on my photo wall and i kept looking up at him while writing this chapter and i felt like his photo was judging me. Does that sound weird? idk but i hope you enjoyed this little chapter 💕

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