prologue p4

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Life at Hogwarts was easy. breakfast in the mornings, class, lunch, reading, hanging out with pansy and Blaise, Dinner with either dad or the other Slytherins. It was simple and I loved it.

We have been in school for about two months now, and I've picked up on some stuff: (1) Draco is a little bitch who cries to daddy about everything (2) Harry and his friends are insufferably annoying
(3) Gryffindors are annoying and hate Slytherins (4) Blaise has a crush on me. The last one was obvious after the first week, he was always around, almost like stalking, but I did not mind it because he is a good little minion.

It is a Friday night and I am just finishing dinner with dad. He was telling me about some of the stupid things harry and his group did, one of them was that harry and Ron went to go fight a troll in the bathroom that was in that the girl, because they are Gryffindors and love attention. We laughed it off and I packed up my mess and threw it away.

Dad normally does not like eating in the great hall there is too many people, so we were in his classroom. It was cold in here because it's in the dungeons, but it became one of my favorite places in the school. Sometimes when pansy was being a little too annoying, or if I wanted the company of my dad, I would come in here and help clean the place up. it was always messy because the students didn't know how to clean, and magic only got it so clean.

I started cleaning the cauldrons that were used to brew by some 6th years to make a poison,  I was using gloved and a mask to make sure I didn't get hurt. Dad went to go get some more cleaning supplies from his office, and that's why I was so surprised to hear footsteps approaching. I turned around to see the blonde boy walking up to the classroom, when he saw me he looked disgusted.

"ah I see you've come to do your dads dirty work. Must be fun having to play the role of a house elf" he sneered.

"ah I see  youve come to serve your 50th detention in the last week." I mocked

"  if you have to know, I was looking for your dad he was going to help me raise my defense against the dark arts grade, so that I don't get house points taken away." I laughed.  how could Draco be a part of one of the darkest families in the wizarding world not know how to defend himself from dark magic.

"that's pathetic Malfoy truly."

"trust me I wouldn't be talking all high and mighty like you are. It will come back and bite you in the ass Snape." He said walking up to me, similar to how he did in Ollivanders.

"Malfoy, honey, you cannot scare me. You are an inch shorter than me, you had to buy your way on to the quidditch team, and I know how to defend myself from the dark arts."  I bit back. Dracos face went red making me laugh.
Dad walked in the classroom while dracos face was still bright red. He turned to me with an apologetic look.

"youre dismissed y/n, have a goodnight dear." I took off my gloves and mask and walked away to the common room.

My goal was to try to fit a few chapter in before I went to bed, but I was stopped by Pansy and Blaise who were playing some arty game with goyle , Crabbe, and a few others. "Y/n y/n y/n play truth or dare with us please" pansy begged. After a while I caved and sat in their circle to play.

"hmm Grabbe truth or dare" pansy said

"ugh truth"

"who the last girl that you thought was pretty"

"Hermione granger" he responded, creating and uproar of groans from the rest of us.

"guys I don't like her, shes just pretty. Blaise truth or dare"

" erm dare I guess" he said with a nervous laugh.

"I dare you to kiss your crush" Blaise blushed and got up he walked between me and me Pansy. I squirmed around, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. He kneeled down to make his face level with him and gave me a peck on the lips. It wasn't pleasant in the slightest, but it wasn't horrible. He back away blood rushing to his cheeks forming a bright red color on his face.

I got tired of the game after that kiss and walked to my dorm. I gathered a few blankets a book and a flashlight and headed out to the astronomy tower. I was walking down the hallway about to turn the corner when a figure bumped into me, making me drop all of my stuff. I bent down gathering my things and turned to look at the blonde boy that bumped into me.

"can't sleep by yourself so you have to go cry to dad about it" Draco said mockingly.

"piss off, Malfoy" I said bumping into him to continue my journey to the tower. He mumbled cusses under his breath walking away.

Once I finished setting up my picnic under the stars, I realized it was past curfew and decided to spend the night up there.

Several hours later I finished up my book and look u into the sky. The first light of the day showed up and decided to go ahead pack up my picnic and go to breakfast early. Walking into the common room I found half of the first years asleep in the circle I left them. Blaise sleeping on pansy, pansy sleeping on draco, trying to worm her way up next to him while she was sleeping. If I thought she wouldn't get bad I would've taken a photo.

I set my stuff in the dorm, change clothes but some butterfly clips in my hair, and went to breakfast alone, knowing it would be impossible to wake up Pans.

A/n okay so here's the thing. this might seem boring rn but i have an amazing plot set up. The first two years are going to be a little boring but i will zoom by them pretty fast just hang on a little bit. if you like this story comment and tell me how i can make it better <3

Blonde boy जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें