prologue p3

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I woke up in the common room next to a dying fire by pansy shaking me awake.
"y/n, y/n, Y/N wake up! you missed breakfast. Come on our first class starts in 10 minutes. I grabbed your schedule and luckily your first class is potions but you need to get up right now." After I realized what she was saying I sat straight up and ran to my dorm, threw on my robes, brushed out my black hair, grabbed my wand, and ran out to the common room to join Pansy and Blaise, and we walked out to go to potions.

" hey uh thank you for putting that blanket on me last night. I did not think I would fall asleep that fast"

"yeah, no problem, I didn't want to fall asleep out there, so I left when you fell asleep." Blaise responded. Pansy gave me a side eye as if telling me that I should try to date Blaise.

We continued walking until we got to class. When we walked inside it was almost full, there were no seats next to each other, so we had to spilt up. Pansy sat next to Draco ( of course), Blaise next to 2 boys named Crabbe and Goyle, who were already kissing up to draco and it was the first class of the school year.

I sat next to a boy with messy hair and round glasses, everyone kept staring at him and whispering and that's when I realized that this boy was no other than Harry Potter. Dad talked about this boy a lot and his father. He hates Harrys dad, he said that James (his dad) was a mean boy who bullied anyone that looks weird or an outcast, especially dad. James stole his best friend from dad leaving him with nothing but the glares and rude whispers. Dad is who he is today because of how James acted out towards him during his time at Hogwarts.

He told me Harrys story about how when he was a kid his father and mother died at the hands of the dark lord, how there was nothing left of dad's old best friend and his worst enemy other than Harry. The potter family has caused my dad so much pain over the years that I know I will never like harry or trust him.

After a while dad walked into the room, he sped walked down the walkway shutting every window and curtain with his wand. If I didn't know him, I would've been intimated by him, like the other kids in the class were. When he reached the front of the classroom, he looked around at the students in the class he stopped at me and the corners of his mouth turned up, and he looked over at harry next to me and frowned.

"ah yes Harry potter our favorite celebrity" he bit out. I rolled my eyes, and draco and his kiss ups laughed. " you are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there are little foolish wand waving here, many of you will hardly believe the beauty of the soft simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through the human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses...  I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stop death- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach" he said eyeing Harry. 

I knew that dad didn't want to teach potions, and that his passion was defense against the dark arts, but he was really good at teaching the potions, and leaving the students either terrified or intrigued. I was intrigued, harry was terrified. I had to bite tongue to keep my laughs from escaping. Harry glared at me as if he knew what I was thinking.

Dad gave us a pretty easy assignment to do for the rest of the class, we had to read a passage about basic potion safety and right an essay on how to prevent accident whilst making a potion. Dad walked around the classroom making sure that students go to work and weren't messing around, harry saw that and took advantage of it and turned to a red-haired boy with freckles, and a bushy haired girl that you could tell was trying to pay attention to the reading. "Snape doesn't like me. I can tell ron, I mean look at the way he looks at me." Harry complained

"Harry, uh look I agree about that with you and all, but I think this isn't an appropriate time to talk about this." Ron replied

" why, he cant hear us, he is over there talking to Malfoy and his friends.

"Harry, Snape cant hear you. But uh he ist the only Snape in the room." Ron nervously said. i could feel his glare burning in the back of my head. He whispered, "that's y/n snapes daughter. She was sorting into Slytherin last night if you happened to forget" they continued whispering about me and my dad even bringing  up the Malfoy name a few times. I got tired of it quickly and decided ot put a stop to it.

"Hi im y/n" I said with a false kindness lingering on my words. "let me see the famous Harry Potter. Oh yes the messy hair, the Gryffindor robes, you truly are an orphan through and through. It's a shame that I will never meet those parents of yours, really im heartbroken. I would love to watch the disappoint grow on their face when they find out you are wasting your time with a blood-traitor" I laughed watching rons face turn a deeper shade of red. Dad heard me talking and walked over to the table me and harry sat at, although harry didn't see him walk up because he was still facing ron.

"mr. Potter I see my class is boring you so much you must turn to Weasley for entertainment. Im sure the rest of your house will be pleased to know that you will be taking the first points away for the year." Dad said monotoned. I smiled at dad; happy Harry is getting punished. Harry rolled his eyes and has he did the bell rang. I gathered my stuff smiled at dad and walked at of the classroom making sure that my shoulder bumped into harrys on the way out.

The rest of the day pasted by in a blur. Most of the classed where just them informing the rules of the classroom, and what we expect to learn that year. Blaise, Pansy and I sat at lunch together talking about our favorite classes so far, mine was potions and astrology.

After lunch I had a break between classes, so I found my way to the library, missing my home and my books. When I walked into the library I was surprised. It was so huge; every wall was covered in books and  more books. In the middle of the library was several tables, some filled with students, others empty, waiting to be used.

I found myself wondering the isles looking all the books. Most were old with their spines bent, but some were new and looked like they never have been used which I know isn't the case.

After a while I picked a few books up:

Bellas guide to astrology and how to navigate the stars

Lake creatures and what you need to know about them

Basic pranking spells

I checked them out and left to go outside by the lake since it was still pretty warm out. I found a shady spot under a tree and started reading one of my books, after a while I dozed off listening to the sounds of the water lapping on the beach.

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