Louis looked up at him, before looking at the police officer when he came in, shaking his head at Harry. “You just added another charge to your case, so if you don’t come right now, I have every right to use my weapons on you.” 

Louis shook his head as he reached out, placing his hand on Harry’s arm. “Please. Just let him stay here for this. Just to make sure the baby is alright.” He whispered, glaring at Liam when he came in. 

“You get out of here!” Louis huffed, looking up at the doctor when he came in. “Get him out. I don’t want him anywhere near me or my baby.” He whispered, shaking his head. 

Liam stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking over at the police officer. “I have a right to be here.” He mumbled, shaking his head. 

“No you don’t! It’s mine and Louis’ baby, not yours! Get that through your head!” Harry shouted, huffing when the officer pulled him up. “Please just let me make sure my baby is alright.” He asked quietly. 

The officer sighed but nodded, standing at the doorway. “That’s it and then you are going to jail.” Harry sighed out shakily before nodding, pursing his lips together. “Fine.” He whispered. 

Louis whimpered as he pulled his shirt up, the doctor starting the ultrasound. “Liam, please. If you cared anything about me or Jackson, tell them the truth.” He asked pleadingly because it simply wasn’t fair. 

Liam stood beside Louis’ bedside, looking down at him. “Louis, you know what he did.” 

Louis swallowed thickly as he looked up at him. “Yes, I do, but so do you. And you know he didn’t rape me.” 

“No, but he tried too.” Liam murmured, Harry swallowing down the lump on his throat. “I came home drunk and I pushed myself onto him but nothing happened.” He said quietly. 

The doctor started the ultrasound, letting out a soft sigh when a heartbeat filled the room. “The baby seems to be fine and I think I have an idea of what may have happened. You seem to have had a partial placenta tear. I cannot visibly see it via the ultrasound, but the baby is alright so that has to be what it is. You’ll have to stay here for a few days just so we monitor you, just to be on the safe side. When you do get released, you’ll have to pretty much stay on bedrest. If the bleeding continues, we may just keep you here for the rest of your pregnancy.” 

Both Harry and Louis let out a visible sigh of relief, both soon to be parents relieved that their baby would be alright. 

“Jackson, will be fine?” Harry asked softly, looking over at Louis, then to the doctor. 

The doctor smiled and nodded. “Yes. The baby is completely fine.” 

The police officer smiled and nodded before he went to take Harry out of the room. 

Louis whimpered as he watched them take Harry away, his bottom lip trembling. “I love you!” He shouted, reaching up and wiping at his eyes. Louis knew it was useless to try and fight the police officer because it was obvious, he was determined to take Harry away. 

Harry sighed out shakily, closing his eyes momentarily. “I love you both..” He whispered, allowing the officer to take him wherever he pleased, tears filling his eyes. 

Liam looked over at Louis, frowning slightly. “Lou, it’s alright. Just calm down. Stress can’t be good for the baby.” He said softly, reaching out and wiping away his tears. 

Louis sniffled before he smacked at his hand, turning onto his side. He didn’t want anything to do with Liam. Didn’t wanna see him, hear him or anything. Louis closed his eyes, pulling the blankets up over his shoulders, sighing out shakily. 

Harry was gone and there was practically nothing he could do about it. 

(Did you really think I could kill him? Jackson is okay! hehehehe (: Thank you so much for all the feedback! Vote, Comment and Share! Thanks again lovelies!xxxx)

It Is What It Is (Larry Stylinson Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now