Prologue - Run

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A/N: I will put any content warnings here in bold. Also, this will most likely be in 3rd person POV unless stated otherwise. 

CW: mention of death of family member, abusive nuns...? that sounds so weird

Keith ran. He loved running, the burn it caused in his legs and lungs. The wind whipping at his face when he went fast. The nuns at the orphanage he lives at were pissed at him again. This was the 30th time he failed to settle with a new family in 5 years. So many families tried to adopt him, and he did try to make it work, but it wasn't his fault. He already had a father, he doesn't want a replacement, and he doesn't know how to have a mother, so why do they expect him to know? His father was a firefighter, KIA, and he never met his mother. So, Keith was sent to the orphanage at the age of 5, not long after his father's funeral.

The nuns were so strict, step even slightly out of line, they would hit you with a ruler. Fail to fit in with a new family, you miss mealtime for a day and get extra chores to make up for the time you were away. Run away...get sent to the Juvenile Detention Center for a week before someone comes to pick you up. Once you're brought back to the "home," you're locked in your room for another week with your food delivered to you and 3 bathroom breaks (one in the morning, lunchtime, and after dinner). And of course, Keith was considered a "discipline case" because he managed to make the head of the orphanage come up with new punishments for all the times he's brokers one rule or another.

He just needed to get away, so while he was locked in his room, he broke the lock on his window and ran. He ran and ran and ran until he came to the local park. And still, he ran. He ran and hid under the slides on the playground. 
"Are you okay?" A voice asked from beside Keith. He opened his eyes and tried to calm his breathing as he looked up and saw the most beautiful guy he laid eyes on. Sure, Keith was 10 and the new guy couldn't have been more than a year older, but Keith instantly knew he thought the guy was beautiful. He realized he'd been staring into the guy's bright blue eyes.

"Um...just a little out of breath from running, that's all," Keith said with a blush creating onto his cheeks.
"Why were you running?"
"The nuns."
The new guy was clearly confused, so Keith explained how he lived with nuns (without mentioning he was an orphan) and how they had locked him in his room for not getting along with someone (which wasn't entirely a lie). Just then, one of the nuns from the orphanage came into the park, yelling Keith's name. Keith flinched at the sound of her voice.
"Here, I'll help you hide, this way!" 
Keith followed the guy deeper into the shadows of under the slides and structure. They crouched down and waited for the nun to move on with her search. 

She finally gave up and walked away, and the new guy spoke.
"So, your name is Keith?"
"Yeah, but what's your name?"
"The name's Lance," he said as he smiled and stuck out his hand for Keith to shake. 
They hung out for a while after that, soon forming a friendship. Lance introduced Keith to his parents, saying that "this is his friend from under the slides." Lance's parents exchanged a concerned look, but Keith quickly explained to both Lance and his parents that he lived in the orphanage nearby. 

Before they knew it, it was getting late and the sun was starting to set. Keith needed to go back but begged for Lance to take him home with them. In the end, Keith went back to the orphanage, escorted by Lance's parents while Lance himself waited in their car. Keith went without dinner that night and had to do extra chores, then was locked in his room again with the lock on the window fixed.

The next day, Keith was doing his chores when he bolted for the door, running towards the park again. And of course, Lance was there. Lance and Keith played together and talked to each other and their friendship deepened. Whenever Keith could, he would run from the orphanage and to the park, usually finding Lance there and making things a bit more bearable. 

So that's how Keith and Lance met. I don't know what else to say and I have work tomorrow so I'll stop here. Night!!! 

Word count: 785

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