March.3.20/I'm Inspired (2/2)

Start from the beginning

I'm in a pleasant conversation with one of them, giving me suggestions for different podcasts on creativity that will hopefully help me with the album in progress, when my phone vibrates in my jeans pocket. I apologize to him before walking away to see what it's all about.

Mamá Cabello: ~Dear, we're getting there. Can you come out to greet us?~

My heart skips a beat and I take a couple of deep breaths taking one last look around me where everyone forms a circle at my signal turning down the music on the speakers a bit. I hear my girlfriend scream on the other side before I've even opened the glass door to the ballroom a few minutes later. As soon as she sees me she screams even more, in a perfect combination of shock and surprise, hurting the eardrums of me and Sinu who just shakes her head in amusement behind her daughter.

- Shawnie, you're here!

She darts like a bullet leaping into my open arms, climbing on me like a little koala bear. I bury my nose in her soft hair and her faint scent of roses drives me crazy. I finally feel at home.

- Hi, baby. - I smile at her leaving her back on her feet but she's still fidgeting looking up at me with her big, lighted eyes. - Did you miss me?

- Very much. I know I've been busy shooting the movie, but you've practically abandoned me today. - She pouts adorably.

- Don't say that. On the contrary, I've been thinking about you 24 hours a day... as always, beautiful. - I wink mischievously at her, pulling her face to mine to kiss her with all the gentleness in the world.

Sinu catches our attention clearing her throat, reminding us that we are not alone. Embarrassed we separate a bit and Camila entangles her arm with mine telling me excitedly that she loved the experience of the Sky Walk on clear glass platforms with the view of the void that the building has as she made her way up here, Sinu on the other hand reveals that she almost had two cardiac arrests from the vertigo of being on such a high floor exactly like me.

Camila laughs at both of us calling us chickens but I don't let her continue with her chatter and discreetly guide her into the ballroom, standing to one side of Sinu before she turns to see what's going on because everyone starts shouting surprise! from inside.

Camila laughs at both of us calling us chickens but I don't let her continue with her chatter and discreetly guide her into the ballroom, standing to one side of Sinu before she turns to see what's going on because everyone starts shouting surpris...

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- No.... fucking.... way! What is this all about? - She whimpers, jumping up and down, not holding in her extra dose of excitement.

It was really worth all this just to see her face light up with joy.

- I thought it would be dinner on high and then I'd be rolling down the stairs with my stomach bursting with sushi. - She scoffs making everyone in the room laugh as they come up to congratulate her one by one. - I really didn't expect this, guys. Thank you very much.

- We didn't do anything... - Her director mutters, looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

Camila turns to look at me adoringly and her eyes crystallize on the verge of bursting into tears like a little girl. I wrap my arms around her, caressing her blushing cheek, happy to be here celebrating her big day.

Songs For You - (Shawmila, The Story) Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now