Cal's Bag Makes the Best Pillow

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Even though the kids seemed friendly enough, Avery was still not very social, and they all seemed to know each other better than her anyways. Still, it was best to stick with a group, especially in the Killjoys universe. She curled up on the ground nearby, wishing for something, anything that resembled a pillow.

As she lay down, Avery felt her stomach growl in hunger. Dinner had been small. Rolling onto her side, Avery spotted the group's cans of Power Pup. I hope they don't mind me taking some, she thought, grabbing a can and popping it open with the tab. Not finding a spoon or other utensil, Avery simply poured the dog food into her mouth, in little bites. Grimacing at the taste, she swallowed each mouthful quickly. We make our dogs eat THIS?

Kori, who was on watch, didn't seem to notice or care that Avery was eating more. She's probably just as hungry as I am, Avery thought. She was pretty sure none of the others had eaten much for lunch or breakfast, they might have just skipped the meals all together. She at least had gotten to eat real food for those meals instead of Power Pup, that stuff really was awful.

The boys were already asleep. Trey had his arm thrown over Calvin's waist, and Avery couldn't help but think they'd make a cute couple. However she had heard Kori teasing them about it earlier, Calvin had claimed he was straight.

"Hey," She heard Kori whisper, "You can use my backpack as a pillow if you want."

"You're sure?" Avery didn't want to steal the other girl's backpack, she had already eaten their food.

"It's fine, I'll be up for another couple hours."

"Okay," She put the bag down where she could rest her head on it.

"For future reference Avery, Cal's bag is the comfiest. I'm going to wake him up when I get tired and steal it."

Avery fell asleep soon after that. She was much more comfortable now.

A/N (Dizzy's)


Autumn's writing: no errors.

I'm hoping this is because she edits before sending it to me cause otherwise that's embarrassing.

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