We Are The...Avengers

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Everyone heads to Stark Tower and walk into the living standing around Loki unintentionally standing in a position.

They wait for a few minutes and Loki wakes up after little while.

"Who hit him so hard?" Tony asked.

"Hulk." Clint said with a laugh.

Faith smirks staring at Loki.

"I'll have that drink now." Loki said and looks at Tony as he says that one.

Clint raises his bow in his face.

Faith lights her  hands on fire and looks at Tony.

"Why would you offer the guy a drink?" Faith asked and Tony shrugs.

Tony and Faith had dragged the rest of the team to the shwarma joint.

They sit at the table and eat everything that joint had.

A few after the fight the news went nuts.

Reporters were asking people what they saw.

Some said thank you and some couldn't believe what they saw.

"Hero's in New York? Give me a break." One of the many people said making Clint  roll his eyes.

"Hey, we saved your dumbass." Faith grumbbled.

Everyone laughs.

Later that day, The avengers are in the middle of New York, Loki is in chains and has a mask covering his face.

Clint is wearing dark sunglasses covering his eyes standing in front of Loki smirking.

Faith is standing next to him glaring at him with a smirk.

The Avengers watch as Thor brings Loki back to Asgard.

Faith sighs watching them go leaning her head against Clint who tightens his grip.

"I love you Clint, I hope you know that." Faith said and Clint nods kissing the side of her head.

"Yeah, I do. I love you too." He said and Faith smiles.

"Come on, lets head home." Faith said grabbing Clint''s hand getting into the car.

"Bye Nat!" She called out to her red headed best friend.

Avengers: Only HumanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang