The Fear and Anger

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Faith shoves Loki into the Quinjet angry.

"I should...I should kill him." She muttered her hands clenching into fists. 

"Clint wouldn't want you doing that, okay. Stop for a second think about Clint" Natasha said and Faith's shoulders slump and she nods.

"Yeah, your right." She said with a laugh.

"When am I not?" Natasha asked laughing.

Steve and Tony are near the front.

Faith is pacing back and forth with said fear and anger in her eyes.

She is so far in her head that she doesn't hear anything that is being between Tony and Steve.

Soon Steve is putting a hand on Faith's shoulder making her stop in her tracks

"Yes?" She asked looking at Steve.

"I just wanted to know if you were okay." Steve said and Faith sighs.

"Just worried about him, he's all I got besides Phil, Nat and mr. playboy smartass over there." Faith said motioning to Tony and Natasha.

Loki lets out a snort making Faith and Steve look at him.

"You don't know the first thing about worry, Quin, you think your boyfriend loves you? He doesn't. He would never love a screwed up killer like you." Loki said and Faith attempts to lunge at him but Steve and Tony grab her stopping her from doing something she'll regret later.

"Oh so you wanna talk about someone not loving someone then lets start with you then. Let's see... you ran away from mommy and daddy dearest because they loved your brother more then you." Tony said as Steve leads Faith away.

Natasha lets out a small snort

"Ah shit, speaking of..." Faith started but is cut off when the wheather picks up, storm clouds slipping into slamming rain out of nowhere, the harsh winds turning booming thunder. They watch as a quick flash of lighting cracks outside casting an eerie glow over the Quinjet. The light catches Faith's face making her look untouchable, leathel and a hero.

"What, you scared of a little lighting?" Steve taunted making Faith smirk

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki said just as the door of the Quinjet is torn off.

There are flashes of lighting and the rain pouring down.

Faith looks to the door and sees Thor just as the blonde man grabs Loki and jumps out of the Quinjet.

"And there's that guy." Tony sighed

"Wonderful." Faith grumbled annoyed.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha asked shocked

"Yup." Faith said nodding.

"Think he's friendly?" Steve asked.

"Doesn't matter, if he frees Loki or kills him the tesseract is lost." Tony said as him and Faith head to the entrance.

The two brunettes are recklessly ready to jump off the Quinjet and fight the god on their own.

"Stark, Faith, we need a plan of attack." Steve said.

"We have a plan..."  Faith trailed off.

"Attack." Tony and Faith said before flying away.

"I'd sit this one out Cap." Natasha said and she knows that Faith can take care of herself and handle the gods.

"I don't see how I can." Steve argued with her.

"These guys come from legends. They're basically gods. Faith has it under control." Natasha said.

"There's only one god, ma'am. Amd I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that. Also Faith, she may need backup." Steve said before grabbing his Shield and jumps out of the Quinjet.


It's not hard for Natasha to find Faith, Steve, Tony and the god Thor. There's a loud sound of crashing, the metallic whine of Tony's suit, a loud smack of trees crashing to the ground.

She lands the Quinjet on the edge of a hill, and as she moves forward she sees Captain America, Iron Man, Blue Jay and Thor locked in combat.

Natasha winces as Blue Jay is thrown into a tree and then Iron Man is next.

Blue Jay and Iron Man share a look and nod to each other before Iron Man uses his repulsve gun as Faith uses her ice and they both shoot at the same time hitting Thor throwing him backwards.

Natasha jumps over a rock with her guns out, Thor looks at Faith and really sees her and his eyes widen making Faith tilt her head confused.

"I don't know what your business here, but I'm confident that it's not for some pissing contest with Blue Jay, Captain America and Iron Man in a national park." Natasha said 

"I have come to return the tesseract to Asgard." Thor said his voice is low, deep and Faith can basically feel the power raiding off of him.

"I do not wish for conflict with your people." He said as Faith runs a hand over her hair 

They are all standing in some type square, Thor close to Tony, with Steve at his side, Faith on his side and Natasha standing next to her.

Tony is glaring at Thor muttering death threats under his breath as he flexes his gauntlets making Faith chuckle silently her shoulders shaking.

Faith looks at Thor, really looks at him and sees the anger, fear, hatered and guilt  swirling in his deep blue eyes, the eyes that reminds her of Clint, she looks down before looking at Thor again seeing the confused look on his face.

Faith gives Thor a small smile before looking down again knowing that she's the only one that can really see the look in his eyes. Tony and Steve can't and SHIELD most definitely can't, the only one that can see it is; Faith.

Since her parents 

"Then prove it. Put the hammer down." Steve said and Faith shakes her head 

"Uh yeah, no. Bad call. He loves his hammer." Tony said just as the atmesphere goes from sorrow to tense and anger as Thor snaps, roars in anger and goes to hit Tony and Faith knows that Tony won't be able to move in time so she dives in front of Tony, throwing her force field up, there is a loud boom when the hammer hits the shield, one that ripples through her bones and body, ears ringing. As she skids back she kicks Tony back, her boot ramming into the chest piece sending Tony backwards, Steve throws himself and his shield over the two fo them.

Faith stays in her crouched position, the ringing in her ears still loud. The forest floor shakes, small tremmers coursing through it, like the waves from the ocean. The smell of pines, leaves and musk hitting her nose, her feels like it's being torn apart by sound itself, then put together bit by bit. She stands up straight, legs not shaky, her shoulders squared and her chin up and she lets out a puff of air.

"Nogitsune." Thor muttered in Asgardin and Faith stares at him with wide eyes.

Thor stares at her as if he is a ghost, his hammer laying besides him, he reaches out curling a hand around the end of it, pulls it close, still half crouched, hands painted green from being pressed deep into the ground,

Faith throws her hands up into the air using her shield to stop the oncoming force, Natasha, Tony and Steve watch in horror as the hammer slams down on the shield but relax on the hammer bounces back.

"H-H-How?" Tony stuttered out in shock.

"I don't know."

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