8 | The Beauty of Death

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I looked around, only to see this calming sage green light come towards me. I recognized the color as a bodies silhouette became outlined, then completely clear. The voice, their words... Lillian.

"Lillian...?" (M)

"Hello Maxine. It's a pleasure to meet you." (L)

"How are you-... what's going on..?" (M)

"This is the afterlife.. well, sort of. This is more of the afterlife where new souls are introduced to Death's arms. Beyond this black area is an amazing world. It's beautiful, calming and safe..." (L)

"I-... I died?" (M)

"Yes, but I refuse to let you die." (L)

"What...? What do you mean?" (M)

"You made my brother smile, you gave him hope and feelings again. He left the castle and came running after you, a light in his eyes that he hasn't had in years... I refuse to let Minerva take that away from him again... plus, you don't want to die. Your thoughts while you were on that tree that your friend showed you... you didn't want to die. You tried to find a way out, your mind racing with thoughts.

You killed your survive, you're strong and you've proven that over and over again. You're intelligent, thinking about your options and outcomes along with others. You're caring, willing to help Cyrus even though you couldn't move. You tried to save Minerva and Vivian from their rage and vengeance consuming Minerva completely, you made Greysin smile, gave Garren the closure he needed about his little brother.. you've endured a life of pain and suffering... I refuse to let your sacrifices go to waste." (L)

"Lillian I-"

"Max... let her help you." (C)


I turned around to see a light blue light, a golden light... their outlines and then their full figures.. my brothers. I hugged them, feeling their arms around me as a I cried. I heard Carson's laugh, my heart swelled as tears fell like waterfalls out of my eyes. Adrian wiped my cheeks as Carson ruffled my hair.

"Pinks a good color on you Max." (C)

"Shut it you idiot." (M)

The two laughed as I cried, sniffling and wiping my own tears. I couldn't believe I was seeing them again... if their here, then my parents are too...

"Where's mom and dad?" (M)

"They.. they said they didn't want to see you right away.. they can't even look at us. They feel guilty for everything that's happened." (A)

"You've all been watching me all this time.." (M)

"Yeah.. watched what they've done to you..." (C)

"...Max. We wanted to save you, wanted to protect you from mom and dad, now all of this... but please, go back to Alex and the others." (A)

"No... no I'm not going to lose you two again..." (M)

"Max. Please... They need you..." (C)

The Beauty of Death | Maxine ParksWhere stories live. Discover now