2 | Spilled Truths

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September 16th
9:51 p.m.

"I talked, now it's your turn." (M)

"...I read your mind because I have an ability to read the souls of those who have wounds. I can only read thoughts from afar, but when I touch your wounds then I know every thing about you since the day you were born." (CL)

"I don't believe that at all. Humans don't have superpowers." (M)

Clementine walked towards me, looking at me and spotting the scar on my forehead. She put her fingers on my forehead, then her eyes glowing yellow as she looked at me.

"Your two older brothers died in a car crash with you when you were about seven or eight. Your mother used to have dark brown hair before dying it black and your father had blonde hair. Your mother worked in a flower shop while your father was an accountant. Your family abused you for years, blaming you for your brothers deaths and that's why you have scars all of you, also explaining your closed off attitude. You are very smart but your parents took you out of school as soon as they could to make you work and do everything for them. They both became abusers of alcohol and drugs which made them want to hurt you more since they were mentally confused about their actions. When you first saw Alex you thought he was a murderer based on his clothes and also the suspicious rock that had names on it along with a rock that had "rest in peace" carved into it. You've been trying to escape this entire time because you found all of us terrifying. The song you sang earlier to calm your nerves was a song your brothers told you to sing when got scared and they would always come and find you."

Clementine backed away and lifted her fingers off of my forehead, looking at me with a cold glare. My eyes were wide as tears dared to fall from them, hearing her spill out so much of my personal life that no one had known about.. what an invasion of privacy.

"That was a bit much Clem." (A)

"Well now we know enough about her to actually know what's going on and not thinking she's a psychopath." (CL)

"..Maxine..? Are you okay?" (S)

"Yeah.. just hurts to hear all of that said out loud for the first time.. that's all... so, what can the rest of you do. I assume you all can do something if she can." (M)

"I have perfect aim, I just think about my target and I'll hit it no matter what." (CY)

"..so you purposely aimed at the tree next to me to scare me. You didn't want to kill me." (M)

"...I try not to kill anything... not even animals." (CY)

"I control electricity and lightning." (S)

"...You're like pikachu." (M)

"..what the hell is a pikachu?" (S)

"I have no idea." (A)

"She's a runner, it's something from our world." (CL)

"Our world? And a runner..?" (M)

"Clementine and Cyrus are human like you, you guys came from the same world. Anyways, this forest isn't apart of your world. Your home, wherever you were born? That doesn't exist here. It's a long story so we will explain it later." (A)

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