3 | Deadly Roses

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September 17
5:02 a.m.

I woke up at sunrise like usual. If I wasn't up at the crack of dawn, I'd be hit for not making breakfast and then going out to snatch some stuff. I couldn't get a job due to my appearance, covered in bruises and cuts and no nice clothes... so I stole. Learning to steal was a little hard, but after a while it got easy. A made a system within my city and a schedule, making it easy to just snatch up some stuff in broad daylight and no one would question it. I'm not proud of it, but I lived...

I got out of bed, seeing clothes on my nightstand with a note on it.

'Hope the bed was okay until we get your room done. I left you some clothes, I hope they fit. Let me know if you need anything.' - Seth

Seth.. oh yeah, that's the guy with the blonde and pink hair. I'm surprised he brought me clothes... wait he said my room. I'm going to live here..? In a castle! No way. I don't believe that. I literally just met them yesterday and I'll be living in the castle! But other people live in houses... what makes me so special...?

I got dressed as I thought and thought about why I would stay in the castle. I looked in the mirror and actually really liked the clothes Seth left me. Black jeans and a sage green sweater with some nice black shoes. It all fit pretty well actually, guess he is good at guessing. Then again, you can get a shirt in a small and figure it would fit me.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair a bit before going to the bathroom and seeing a toothbrush and toothpaste there. I'm assuming Seth dropped off toiletries and stuff as well. He seems very considerate if he dropped off all this stuff.

I brushed my teeth and then left my room. I looked around and saw people walking around, people I've never seen before.

"Excuse me?" (M)

"Oh hello! You must be the new girl we've heard about. I'm apart of the staff here so if you need anything let me know. Us staff members will have a red pendent on our shirts so feel free to ask for anything."

"Oh, okay. Thank you." (M)

The nice lady nodded and got back to work. A staff huh..? Posh and rich frickin place. I guess Alex is a king... still though, I didn't take him as the type to have a staff.

I walked around aimlessly for a bit, finally finding the dining hall to see the four I met yesterday sitting there all talking. They all looked at me as I came inside.

"I see the clothes fit. I hope you like them." (S)

"Oh, yeah they're perfect. Thank you."

Seth gave me a smile before Alex waved his hand for me to come over and sit. I sat in the chair beside him as he sat on the end of the table.. the long and elegant table... Clem sat on his other side with Cyrus next to her, Seth was next to me. I felt awkward sitting there, being around people who I just saw talking and now quiet due to me being here.

"..okay can we all like talk? You can tell Max feels weird sitting here." (CY)

"Can you read minds too or something?" (M)

"Nope, just obvious cause your eyes haven't left your hands while playing with your bandages." (CY)

"If he could read minds then he'd be even worse." (A)

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