•Chapter 25•

Comincia dall'inizio

    "It's like every time we meet, you're somehow in pain." A voice said from the doorway.

    "Sorry, I wish we could just have a time that I can move on my own." I said chuckling as she walked over to my side.

    "I don't think I've introduced myself yet, my name is Lady Mildred, the 'mother' of those tough headed boys." She said shaking her head.

    "Nice to meet you Lady Mildred, I'm Sam, it's nice to meet you again, although the situation is not ideal." I said sheepishly.

   "I already know who you are my dear, how are you feeling now? I put some ointment on your bruises, you should be fine in a few hours, just rest, I don't want to have to be taking care of you so soon again, unless it's me making you cookies." She said scolding me. Nodding my head, my eyes began to flutter shut.

    Yawning, I began to tell her I was going to sleep which she stopped me and tucked me back in to the bed.

              "Have a good rest dear."


     "Your highness, excuse me." A voice whispered.

   Groaning, I opened my eyes to see the beauty Zair holding a delicious looking bowl of ice cream with ridiculously sweet toppings.

   "Oh my savior, thank you so much." I said as I began to tear up.

    "I'll stay if you don't tell them I brought you anything sweet." He said grabbing a chair and sitting beside the bed.

    "What would I do without you?" Turning to me, he grabbed the remote and changed the channel. "Probably try to kill yourself because you're only allowed to eat greens."

                     "You're right."


    "And for eating unhealthy food, run 25 laps around the field." Maxis declared as I finished my last push-up. "But I-" I started to say, but shut up when he shot me a piercing glare. "I did cut it in half, but if you want to run 50 laps, by all means, be my guest."

    "I'm doing this for you, if we aren't there to protect you, you can fend for yourself. This will happen in the future when you officially become the Queen of this kingdom, you have to be able to fight for yourself."

    I acknowledge what he was saying was valuable, but maybe they should just turn it down a bit, I just started for heaven's sake.

    Jogging around the field, I felt something hit my head. "Pick up the pace!" Flipping him off, he threw two more pebbles at my head.

                      "Fuck you!"

  "Is this how you treat your trainer? Maybe I should take over." Said Carson as he walked out on the field.

  "My lord, with all due respect, we both know you'll distract her from training by seducing her." Holding his hand to his chest, Carson feigned innocence.

    "Me?! Why I never, do I look like the type to do that?" He said playfully.

                       "Get out."

    "I did my best baby." Standing in front of me as I was running, he placed a sweet kiss on my lips. "Sorry." he said, disappearing in a white mist.

    I stopped running for a teensy minute when I felt another pebble hit my head.

        "Who told you to stop running?"


    *Sam is going through it 😭, you guys had a little bit of a longer chapter, hope you enjoyed it, remember to vote, and let's go to my life, yay!


    #1 in realms who dis?

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    #1 in realms who dis?

 #719 in BWWM? You guys probably don't think this is a big deal, but since I've been writing this book, I've never made it on to this tag, there is so much competition, so I'm thankful even if it's a really low number

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#719 in BWWM? You guys probably don't think this is a big deal, but since I've been writing this book, I've never made it on to this tag, there is so much competition, so I'm thankful even if it's a really low number.

#6 in Black woman?! Y'all

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#6 in Black woman?! Y'all... 

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Hold on to me (On Hiatus)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora