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"Good Afternoon, Welcome." I smile at the man who greets us as we step into the parlor, an all so familiar face stands by the door to take our names and coats. 


"Well, hello, Y/n. It's nice to see you again," Taka says, and I smile, moving to fix his tie.

"You're the dude that showed us around at the party, aren't ya?" Dabi questions, pushing me out of the way as he glares down at Taka. 

Takahashi doesn't look up once as he types something on the screen of his Ipad. His expression is cold as he nods his head once. 

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," Dabi groans, tilting his head to the side before sliding his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. 

Takahashi slowly looks up, his face still and unmoving. 

"Yes, Sir. I was your escort," Taka responds, meeting Dabi's eyes. 

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. How is everything going with check-in." A man places his hand on Taka's shoulder, startling him a bit.

"Everything is just fine, Mr. Oh-Min." I look up at the familiarity of the surname. The man's eyes are a similar crimson red to his son's and his straight, black hair reaches down to the top of his shoulders. His left eyebrow has a slit, half of it dyed a pigmented red. He's abnormally tall and looks down at Dabi with a certain...curiosity in his eyes. 

I speak up, interrupting the three of them as they speak. "Are you by chance Park's father?" Dabi is the first to look over at me, then Mr. Oh-Min brings his eyes down to check me out. He grins before answering my question. 

"Indeed. Park is my son. Do you know him?" I take a second to picture Park in my head: his dark crimson eyes that were like darts as they looked back at me, his buzzed, black hair, his tall, lean physique, and his jaw that clenched making his cheeks look even more hollow then they were.

"Yes, I do, Sir," I respond, meeting Dabi's eyes as he glowers down at me. I look away meeting Mr. Oh-Min's which still happen to be just as intimidating as Dabi's but a bit more comforting. 

"Well, if you don't mind me asking-" Mr. Oh-Min tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear, "-how do you know my boy?" He finishes, keeping his hand on the side of my face for a little too long. 

This guy gives me the creeps. 

"We met at the casino, Sir," I say, bringing my fingers to where Mr. Oh-Min had his on my cheek. 

"No need to call me 'Sir', Sweetheart. Refer to me as Yong-Sun." I nod, remembering when Park told me his father's name. 

"Father." A voice says, I look further into the parlor, my cheeks flushing pink. How did I not notice him before? 

"Yes, Park," Yong-Sun demands more than asks. Park catches my eye, holding my gaze. 

"Do you want me to show her and the rest of The League members to their meeting rooms?" Park asks his father. The longer I keep Park's gaze, the more his eyes mesmerize me. 

"Yes, please do that. Boss is still setting up some things in his office though. We won't start for another 10 to 20 minutes from now, "Yong-Sun tells his son. I look away from him and instead look down at the floor. I lick my lips, folding my hands behind my back. 

I can hear the click of Park's loafers on the tiled floor as he walks towards us. His steps are slow and echo through the parlor and then they stop. I look up slowly, moving closer to Dabi, away from Park. 

"Follow me please," Park states, and I go first, following the noise of Park's shoes as their sound radiates through the hallway. 


"You're the last one." Everyone else was dropped off at a conference room. Park's sending me somewhere different. 

He stops in front of a door with the words 'Do Not Enter' engraved on the front of it. To the right of the door is a black box attached to the wall. There's a button and a speaker. Park presses the button and speaks. 

"Boss, I brought the girl." I'm anxious, waiting for someone to open the door. 

I look up, the door appearing to grow larger in front of me. My heart's pounding and I feel like vomiting. Who's 'The Boss'? I want to know. 

"Miss?" My eyes grow wide. 

"Miss?" My hands start trembling. 

"Excuse me, Miss." I look up, meeting a man's eyes. They're dark, all dark in fact. You can't tell where his pupil meets his Iris or where the whites of his eyes would be. 

They're almost like black sockets, but oh, there are eyes there because I can feel them digging into me. 

I study the man. 

He's got large arms that push at the sleeves of his Louis Vuitton button down and to be honest, his shirt just looks like it's two sizes too small. He has tattoos that cover his chest and neck, or so I can see, and his hair is a light shade of brown that comes down to his eyebrows.  

"Please, come in," the man smiles, motioning for me to come into his office. I look back at Park once, and he smirks at me, squinting his eyes before bowing to The Boss and closing the door, leaving me all alone. 

"Take a seat. Don't be shy, Y/n." I look up when the man says my name. I swallow hard, pulling out the chair across from The Boss's desk. I sit down, crossing my legs. 

"Let me introduce myself, but before I get started, would you like a small treat?" I look at The Boss confused, my mouth open and my eyebrows furrowed. He holds out a small glass dish of assorted hard candies. 

"Um, no thanks," My voice cracks as I speak. 

"Alrighty, Well my name is Haruki, but please, refer to me as Boss. That would be greatly appreciated." 

I get a better look at The Boss's room. This man continues to confuse me. Behind his desk, he has a shelf and on the left side of it, is a stuffed bear. The bear wears a shirt that states 'Beary Cool Dad'. I stare at it for a few seconds, puzzled. On the right side of the shelf, is a tie-dyed mug that says '#1 Boss' on it. (Believe me when I say that shit is ugly.) 

And in the middle, is a picture of him, The Boss, a beautiful blonde woman who I'm assuming is his wife and a teenage boy that when I squint to get a closer look looks a lot like Takahashi. 

"Sir- uh Boss. Is the boy in that picture on your shelf by chance Takahashi? You know, the young co. usher of the fine casino establishment in Downtown Musutafu?" I ask, folding my hands on top of the desk in front of me. The Boss thinks for a second before answering.

"Oh, you mean Kosei. Yes, he's my son. Kosei Takahashi, what a fine name my wife picked out for him, don't you think?"

Son? No way is Taka the son of this man, 'The Boss'. 

"Um yes, Sir...Boss," I correct myself.

 Son? Really? How interesting.

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