"Things are fine, I'm kind of bored." He stated, "I don't know why I can't just go to Hogwarts now."

"They won't let anybody go, until they are 11." Harry commented, with a chuckle. This kid was a bit like Hermione. A little of an over achiever.

"I know, such a silly rule. Not everyone matures the same."

"Well, that's not an argument for me. You'd have to talk to the Governors and McGonagall."

Regulus huffed, "Yeah, like they would take an audience with a 7 year old."

"You're almost 7, but I know it's hard." Harry put his hand on his son's shoulder. "I would rather you stay at home a little more."

Regulus frowned. The two of them stayed a bit quiet for the rest of the walk.

When they entered Harry's office, Regulus went right to the desk and got to work. Harry grabbed a traveling cloak, "I will be back in a little bit, if you get hungry you know where to go."

Regulus used his hand, to shoo off his father. He was to invested in the paperwork he was doing.

He was in the midst of an interesting file, taking notes to give to his father. It was his way to summarize each detail, and to keep his father up to date.

Regulus leaned back in the chair, still a bit unchallenged. This was just not living up to his desire for a challenge today.

He brought out his wand, and began to clean the office. It was a bit of a miss, so he began working on his nonverbal magic. That was usually a little more phone.

Regulus didn't hear a when the door opened, and Minister Kingsley walked in with a tall man.

The men were whispering a bit, watching the kid work.

He then looked back and stopped, "Hello..."

"Hello Regulus, I take it your father is on a raid." Kingsley commented.

"Yes, sir."

The tall man looked around the office, "How long have you been able to do nonverbal magic?" He asked, as he went to the desk and read through some of the reports.

"About a year, it's a lot more fun than normal magic." Regulus explained as he put his wand away.

"Did your father teach you?"

"No, I read about it in a book. I usually teach myself everything. Kreacher, my house elf, taught me how to apparate." He replied, proudly.

"You don't say, very gifted for a youngster." He noted, I'm going to be here the rest of the day, can you please tell your father to come see me in the Minister's Office."

"Am I in trouble?" Regulus asked, not sure if there would be trouble for doing magic.

"Of course not, gifts like these should be encouraged." Kingsley responded, as they turned to leave.

Regulus went back to the desk and waited. He figured he would just sit still, and not do anything else that may get him in trouble.

Mid afternoon, Harry returned to the office.

"I see you cleaned a bit." Harry noticed, as he put his traveling cloak on the coatrack.

"Minister Kingsley came by, there's a man that wants to see you in his office."

Harry gave a puzzled expression, "Really?"

"Yeah, I may have done something bad. I was using magic to clean."

Harry grumbled under his breath, he knew his son shouldn't be doing magic yet, but he wasn't hurting anybody.

He went back out the door, and briskly went to the Minister's Office.

"Ah Harry, just the man we wanted to see." Kingsley greeted. "You have a very gifted son."

"Look, I understand the..."

"I'm stopping you there. Don't apologize. I've never seen a child so gifted."

"Really?" Harry was taken aback by the comment. "Well, I mean I know he's gifted. He's always been gifted.

"Mr. Potter, I am Headmaster Kurosawa."

"From Mahoutokoro?" Harry asked, he had gotten to know about the other wizarding schools through networking with other dark wizard catchers.

"That's right." The man confirmed, "Your son is very talented. To a point, I would beg to say I have never seen anything like him."

"So, what can I do for you?" Harry was still uncertain about this meeting.

"We normally don't take foreigners in our school, but I cannot allow that talent to go unnoticed." The Headmaster began, "I want to offer your son a place in our school. We normally start them at 7, and Kingsley said that your son will be 7 this month."

"He will be."

"He will need a parent to travel with him. They aren't allowed to stay on campus until they are 11."

"He really wants to go to Hogwarts though."

"And he can go, but they won't let him in until he's 11."

Harry pondered for a moment, could he send his 7 year old across the world? It would be good for him to meet other kids that could be as gifted as he was, but it was so far. Regulus would enjoy it, and he couldn't keep the opportunity from him. He would need a parent though? Well Seres could go with him, the twins seemed to enjoy Astoria and she had always offered to watch them.

"I will need to talk to him and his mother, but I think this will be good for him."

"Good, good. I will be here until the week's end, so just let me know and I will get you all the information you need."

That night, at the kitchen table, Harry and Seres discussed the offer.

"I agree it is a far away location, but you're right. He would really enjoy going." She agreed, with all of his concerns. Regulus was also not the healthiest child, but he deserved the chance.

"So we will let him?" Harry confirmed.

"I can't see why not. We still have the summer and holidays for him to come home, and honestly he really needs to start meeting other people as gifted as he is."

Harry went to the stairs and called for his son.

Regulus was quick to run down the stairs. "Yes?"

"Remember the man that was with Kingsley?"


"He wants you to come to his school, Mahoutokoro. It's in Japan."

"I can go to a school in Japan?" He asked, with excitement.

"So you want to go?" Seres confirmed.

"Yes, I have heard about their school. Not many get in, and it is full of very intellectual professors."

Seres looked at Harry, and he gave her a knowing look.

"Well then I will confirm that you are going tomorrow. We probably don't have long to get you and your mother ready."

"Mother is coming?"

"You need a chaperone." She explained. He hugged her tight.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you...." He hugged Harry too and ran up the stairs. It would take days to pick which books to pack.

"I can't believe my child is going across the world." Harry pouted, sitting down by his wife.

"He will be fine. And with his health, perhaps him doing things young is best. Who knows which day will be his last. If we can give him the chance to excel and live his dreams, we should do it."

Harry felt a tear sting his eye. It was true. The doctors and healers were always baffled by the fact Regulus was even alive. The kid had so many dreams about a world he wanted to create.

He didn't respond to his wife. Instead he rested his head on his wife's shoulder, letting the weight of the next few days settle in his mind. His son was going to school.

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