The Birth

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Lyle's Pov:
I was waiting in the waiting room with my father, my mom was curtly giving birth to my little brother and sister, I know I'm going to love them, I'll be the best and the protective big brother to them, because I know I'll love them with all of my heart, me and dad were waiting for a couple of minutes when a nurse came in "Are you Jose Menendez?" she asked and my dad nodded "Yes" he said his voice was shaking he was scared for mommy, the nurse smiled at us "You can come in now" she said and me and dad sat up and walking in the room I saw a lot of blood on the bed that scared me I thought that mommy was dying she looked at me and smiled at me "I'm okay honey, dong worry" she said while smiling at me "Come here" she said and I walked to her I saw she was hugging two blankets, I walked closer to see two faces "Meet Erik and Elizabeth you brother and sister" she said and I smiled so much that my cheeks hurt I grabbed them both "Lyle you can't hold them both at once" said dad but I ignored him and sat in the chair that was next to me and was holding Erik and Elizabeth, they were so cute "Cute" I whispered and I saw Elizabeths eyes open and she saw me she started to smile at me and so did Erik when he opened his eyes "Hello, I'm your big brother Lyle, I will protect you both with all of my life, because I love you" I said and they smiled at me Mom and dad were smiling at us and dad took a camera from his pocket and took a picture of all three of us "Can I take them home now" I said and dad laughed at me "We can't now we can when your mother is better" he said and I looked at mommy and I saw her sleeping and I looked back at my siblings "Can we come back tomorrow? " I asked and my dad nodded "Of course" he said and two nurses grabbed Erik and Elizabeth from me "careful" I said at them and they laughed and walked away, when me and dad came home I went to bed because I couldn't wait till the morning to see my little siblings again, I just love them and I know I will always and forever.

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