-.Under Water Eyes.-

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It's cold... Was it cold when I fell asleep?... It shouldn't be cold.. So why is it? Oh I remember.


D = Deku
U = Uraraka
T = Todoroki
A = Asui
I = Iida
M = Momo


D: hey guys! Oh I see there is a new person in the gc I'm izuku who are you? :)
M: I'm your fucking replacement bitch!
D: what?
A: we found out what you did! Kero
D: what do you mean?
I: todoroki told us
T: ...
M: you are awful! I can't believe you would do this to shoto!
D mind: shoto? Why is she calling him shoto? I thought only I was allowed?
D: I still don't understand? What did I do?
A: really?! You CHEATED ON TODO! kero
D: wha- no I didn't?! I haven't seen anyone for ages cause I was sick?!
I: sure, "sick"
D: But I really was!
U: stop you fake, cheater!
T: you're kicked out of the squad. It's the todos quad now. Bye cheater.

-End of flashback-

So now I'm here after being kicked out of my pod and dragged out the small village we had set up. I'm now on a cold rock...i hope someone finds me soon... Oh... My... Eyes.. Are getting.. Heavy... Well.. Goodnight I guess....

💥🐶Baku🐶💥 pov

I was swimming through the reef when I saw green scales glinting in the distance. I swam faster hoping to get a good look at the thing before  it swam off. But even as I got closer it didn't move...? I slowed down and then found my eyes widening at the sight. A beautiful mer... I don't think I have ever seen a mer species like... Him? His scales were shiny and he had fluffy hair that seemed to just glimmer... He looked like an ancient tropical mer, they were said to be extinct par from a few in the entire world. He looked beautiful in every way. It made me feel as though I should not be able to see him. Then he moved.

I slowly swam up to him and decided then and there that he was mine.

💚🐰Izuku🐰💚 pov

I woke up to the sun in my eyes. I also woke up to a really handsome, blond haired, red eyed, shark mer looking down at me. I may or may not have stared for a little while... OK I admit I stared at him for about an hour. But he was just beautiful. I couldn't help myself.

💥🐶Baku🐶💥 pov

I wonder how long it will take for this dork to realise he's still staring.. It doesn't matter to me as I feel myself loosing myself in his eyes and cute plump lips.. They look so kissable..

💚🐰Izuku🐰💚 pov

And hey! He was staring too! Wait what he was staring too?!?!?! After panicking for awhile (gay panic :)) I decided to speak. But before I could even open my mouth he spoke.

"Why are you alone?"

... Oh god his voice is really hot!?!?!

"Really? Thanks dork."

Wait what

"You said that out loud dork."


Well at least I die with a hot guy on top of me. Its definitely a lifelong dream of mine.

"Wow you do this a lot huh?"


I then feel his lips on mine as I start to pass out again.

"Heh cute dork~"

💥🐶Baku🐶💥 pov

Hey... His lips really are kissable. Heh.

~The End~

If you want me to make a real story with this just comment here! Sayonara! :)

605 words :)

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