I groaned. What was it with those two? If I had a brother, I sure as hell wouldn't be that nice to him. Weren't brothers supposed to be fighting and shit all the time anyway?

"Oh that's awesome! Tell me how it went?" My professor droned on excitedly about something.

I was getting impatient. Quickly, I checked to see that the door was closed before pulling down my jeans and boxers to my ankles. By the time Professor Way noticed me, I was lying down on his desk, spreading my legs open for him. I bet it was quite a view. I'm sure he wouldn't be able to resist. 

Still though, he barely paid mind to me as he continued his conversation. How he could barely manage to keep himself together while I was touching myself in class, I had no idea. Now I was touching my half naked self on his desk yet he was far too interested in his phone call. 

I groaned out loud to express my annoyance with him, but he only turned around and covered his other ear up to prevent getting distracted. 

Luckily though for me, the call didn't last forever. Pretty soon he was saying his goodbyes and hung up the phone, stuffing it back into his bag. 

"Apparently now I'm going to be meeting up with Mikey for a late dinner tonight," he said rather calmly, still managing to stare me only in the eyes. Slowly, he stepped in between my legs, dragging his fingers up my thigh until they eventually wrapped themselves around me.

I bit my lip in surprise, hoping and begging in my mind that he'd continue touching me. 

"So I have to leave soon to make it to the restaurant on time," he continued.

My smile faded, thinking I wasn't going to get to have anymore fun with my teacher... that is, until I was suddenly being flipped over onto my stomach.

I felt a hand squeezing my ass playfully, "I still have to do something before I take off though."

"And what's that?" I asked, trying to look over my shoulder at him, already feeling myself blushing.

Once again, I felt the familiar feeling of what could only possibly be a wooden ruler getting tapped on the back of my thigh. I gulped, unsure whether I was more excited or more nervous about what Professor Way planned to do to me. 

I didn't have to wait long to see what would happen next, however, because very soon the wooden ruler my teacher was gripping onto was being slammed against my ass cheek. I whimpered loudly at the sudden sharp pain from it. 

Professor Way leaned down to my ear and whispered softly into it, "You've been so bad today Mr. Iero that you need to be punished... so bad that you need to be spanked."

"Fuck..." I muttered before receiving another hit with the ruler.

"Say my name," he demanded, roughly rubbing his own hard cock up against my ass through his slacks. Despite him being clothed, I felt every bit of it.

"Professor..." I muttered. Instantly, I received three spanks in a row. 

"Ah, fuck..." I breathed out when he finished and the stinging feeling took full effect. 

"My name, Frank. Say my name." he repeated himself.

"Mmm, Gerard, I moaned out. With that, I got a huge spank, making my grip onto the edge of the table and moan out again. I was in Heaven. 

Slowly, he bent over to whisper in my ear again, "Now, we'll have to continue this later, alright Mr. Iero? Maybe in the meantime you can prove to me that you're not as bad as I thought you were."

Suddenly, my boxers and pants were being pulled back up against my will. I certainly didn't want this moment to end yet. 

"Wait, can't we do a little more?" I stood up and gave him sad, puppy dog eyes as he grabbed his belongings, preparing to take off and meet up with Mikey. "I'd love to see what else you'd do to punish and tease me next..."

He approached me as I spoke, lifting my chin up to meet his eyes with a single finger, "This is part of your punishment. You've been a naughty boy... touching yourself in class and distracting me from working. You have to think about what you've done first".

I was left with a sly smirk from him as he led me out of the room so he could lock up his classroom. I was annoyed, but I quite liked the whole "punishment" thing he was putting on me. My rebellious self loved the thrilling feeling of it. 

"What if I wanna be spanked some more?" I asked quietly after he finished locking the door. 

Professor Way only winked at me. I giggled.

We walked down the halls to exit the building together after that. I wished him good luck with meeting up with his brother and he thanked me. He held the door open for me, revealing a beautiful pink sunset filling the sky. Before he took off, I received a gentle kiss on top of my head. And he didn't even check to see if the coast was clear first. I smiled. Things couldn't be more perfect.

Pay Attention, Mr. Iero (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now