Chapter 19 Meeting the Baylay's

Start from the beginning

He knocked on the door.
"Enter" he heard her say.
"Ah Harry what can I do for you?" She asked him.
"Well Minerva I want to ask if I can take a student for a little trip." Harry said cryptically.
"What do you mean Harry?" Minerva asked him
"Well as you know Bill replied that he wants to help, and I want to see the girls parents. I think it would be better if our student is with me so that the girls parents know it is true what I am saying." Harry told her.
"Harry I don't want to be blunt but for Merlin's sake your Harry Potter. They will believe you even if you were alone. I will let you take the student under one condition. You tell me who it is." That was all McGonagall said.
Harry knew she was right and that she needed to know who he was taking for the trip.
"Well," He said Sith a heavy heart. "if you can get me an approval slip for Mr. Baylay than all will be fine."
"Mr. Baylay?" McGonagall said shocked. "That nice boy from Ravenclaw. That poor boy. You say that his sister is attacked a week ago? Well no I understand why my husband was so busy. He would not say it to me but now I understand that he was working hard to keep this out of the paper. An werewolf attack would cause so much panic in the community after all that we have been trough." 

Minerva shook her held as she wrote the permissionslip."Here you go Harry, off course you can take him to see his parents and sister."
"Thank you Minerva, we will leave at once and be back at diner, so we will be away for about an hour." Harry said when he took the slip. "Kreacher." Harry called his elf. " Yes, master." The elf said after he appeared with a crack.
"Please tell Ginny, Ron and Hermione I am away and see them at diner. That will be all."
"Yes, master." And the elf made a bow and vanished with a crack. 

Harry said goodbye to Minerva and left, he went straight back to the library.
When he returned he could see Mr. Baylay looking for him and as soon as the boy saw him come back in he got up and walked over to him. 

"Can I come sir?" He said with a voice that could not hide his longing to come.
"Yes you may come," said Harry, "so please get your stuff back to your dormitory and meet me in the entrance hall. Please come in normal muggle clothes."
The boy ran out of the library and Harry smiled after him. 

He went back to his office to get his coat and left for the entrance hall.
When he came down the stairs he could see the boy already standing there at the great oak doors. 

"Okay lets go." He said to him.
They left the castle and walked over to the gates.
When they were outside the gates Harry stopped.
"So where do you live?" He asked the boy.
"I live at the Dawson street in Little Whinging." The boy said.
"What!!!" Said Harry. "You live where?"
Harry knew the Dawson street very well he used to walk it every day from school to his uncle and aunts home at Privet drive. 
"Okay than I know just the place to apperate," he said, "please hold my arm tightly." 

After the boy had got a good grip on his arm Harry thought of the small bush at Privet drive because he knew that nobody would notice them appearing there out of thin air.
He felt the familiar feeling of being squeezed into a small tube and than he saw that familiar site of Privet Drive. 

"Sir, may I ask you something?" The boy asked him. Harry who knew what the question would be nodded.
"How did you know about this spot?" The boy asked. 

Harry looked at him and said.
"Can you keep a secret?" The boy just nodded. "I used to live here just around the corner." Harry said with a small smile.
The boys mouth dropped to the floor. "Really??? Why didn't I ever see you than sir?"
"Well," Harry said, as they walked on, "most of the time I was at my friends place and he doesn't live here."
They walked on and when they walked around the corner into Dawson street they walked straight into Dudley Dursley.
The little boy who was with Harry shot behind him in fear. 

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