Chapter 3: Secrets Unveiled

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"Sugoi!! (Y/N) you were able to do all of this?"  Robocco said as she walked in, inspecting the now ruined punching bag. His head then darted to a random part of the area they were in and walked towards it, he then saw three people, Shion, Matsuri, Choco, and Mel hiding behind some of the equipment that was there. (Y/N) only uttered one word as he looked down at the four of them "Explain"

In another part of the building, would be the entirety of Gen 4, just relaxing and talking amongst one another. "How come you haven't told him yet nanora?" Luna asked the yakuza dragon. No response, "I'm kinda surprised you still haven't told him, considering your...situation" Watame said looking a bit sad as she said the last words of her sentence. "I know, I know! I just haven't found the best time to tell him" Coco said a bit annoyed, though of course she was thankful for her friends' concern. 

"And Watame I'm fully aware of our situations, and I'm determined to tell him today!" Coco said looking at her gen mates with pure determination in her eyes. "Yosh, ganbare Coco" Kanata said to her. 

"So when are you going to tell him?" Towa asked her. "You can tell him now nanora!" 

"That's a good idea! Let's do it!" the other three, Kanata, Watame, and Towa said in tandem. Kanata then grabbed onto Coco's wrist and pulled her out of the room with no effort whatsoever, the other three following suit. "Where is he? I can't find him!" Kanata said as she continued to drag Coco by the wrist, the latter of the two tried to free her hand as she was feeling immense pain in that area. "Guys, help me....I feel like my arm is about to get ripped off" Coco said to the other three gen mates. The three of them looked at one another and nodded, Watame grabbed onto Coco's other hand, Towa grabbed onto Coco's waist, and lastly Luna onto her back. The three of them tried to free their yakuza friend from the grip of the gorilla angel, to no avail. 

"It's no use nanora!" Luna said, whilst pulling harder, to once again have no effect what so ever. "She's too strong Cocochi!" Watame said, clearly struggling. "I can't do it anymore, she's too strong!" Towa said, before she fell to the ground from fatigue. "Towa-sama! Cocochi, we lost her!" Watame said 

"Leave her be! Free me from Kanatan!" Coco said, before Luna too fell to the ground "I can't do it anymore nanora, go on without me nora" 

"Cocochi gomenasai! I couldn't save you..." Watame breathed out, before she too fell to fatigue. Kanata turned around, to see three of her gen mates on the ground, and Coco kneeling on the ground, her left wrist in pain and her trying to free herself "W-what happened?" 

"Y-you did this! Its your-" before Coco finished, they all heard a familiar voice. "Now, explain once again why the hell the four of you were spying on me training?" 

"Your ass is nice~" Matsuri said bluntly. "I wanted to see my future husband get stronger!" Shion said excitedly. 

"Eto....medical purposes" Choco said, looking away from the male. "I don't know, I saw them all huddled together and wanted to join in!" Mel said smiling. 

"Why aren't you mad at Robocco-senpai?" Matsuri asked (Y/N). "For one, she didn't spy on me, two I like her more" he said bluntly before lightly patting the robot girl on the head, causing her to smile and blush slightly. Hearing his voice, the previously tired and fatigued idols stood up from the ground and started to pull Coco, along side Kanata. 

"O-oi! I thought you guys we're supposed to be helping me to free me!". Al their screaming, caught the attention of the others, all of whom peeked their heads out of the door to see the ruckus gen 4 was causing. "Don't even think about it Matsuri". "aww"

(Y/N) then walked out of the building's gym and walked in front of the generation he's closest too. He snickered "Okay, what's going on this time?". All of them turned their heads towards you, and almost in an instant Kanata pulled Coco forward, making the rest fall down and said "Coco has something really important to tell you" 

(Y/N) looked intrigued by this, and so did the rest, they would've stayed and watched if not for the rest of gen 4 pulling them away, though still near enough to hear and see them. "So what is it you wanted to tell me?" 

"Well...eto...." uncharacteristically of her, she started to become nervous and blush a bit. In the distance Shien and Oga would walk past, Shien seeing (Y/N) would try to go talk to him, but Oga read the situation his friend was in and dragged Shien away by the collar before he could even talk to (Y/N). "Hey Coco, you don't have to say it ya know? Though whatever you will say, it won't change anything between us alright?" 

Her eyes widened a bit, looking at her friend who just looked at her with his smile that everyone there recognized, his hands in his pockets as well. "Hai...(Y/N)...daisukides!" she blurted out, shocking both you and the other idols, excluding Coco's gen mates of course. "E-eh?" (Y/N)'s cheeks flushed red, processing the new information. 

"Look at the guys, a sight only only we will see in the wild, an embarrassed (Y/N)" Towa said. "Never thought I'd see him like this" Mel commented.  "Robocco, take pictures" Matsuri said. "Already took a video ehehehehe" Robocco chuckled, while the rest just watched the events unfolding. "Yeah, I like you (Y/N)" Coco said once more, (Y/N) looked away a bit embarrassed and started scratching the back of his head. "Y-yeah...I like you too Coco...". She gasped at this and started to hug the male, with a large smile on her face. 

"Coco...air..." Coco then let him go, a bit embarrassed, chuckling "Gomenasorry (Y/N), got carried away there"

"Its fine..."

"So (Y/N), do you wanna hang out later?" Coco asked looking at him. He just nodded and opened his mouth to answer, only for a certain angelic devil to push him forward into Coco, his face landing in between two large mountains. "Yeah! I did it! I finally proved I'm a devil!" Towa cheered. (Y/N) then pushed himself off Coco, and glared at Towa, a menacing aura emanating from him "Oi Towa, what made you think that was a good idea?" 

Choco sighed and said "I'll go prepare the medical equipment". "I'll also get some healing spells ready" Shion said, as she saw Towa slowly get from smug to terrified. "(Y-(Y/N)? C-come on...calm down..." she backed away a bit, and turned to her gen mates for support

"You're on your own nanora" Luna said, hiding behind Mel. "I'm not getting in between that Towa, sorry" Watame said. "Even I wouldn't want to get  in between that" PPtenshi said

(Y/N) then walked closer and raised his hand upward, scaring both Towa and the other idols "(Y/N) wait!" though it was too late, his hand went towards Towa at great speeds, though at the last second stopped and lightly tapped her on the forehead "Eh?" Towa looked to a (Y/N) with a grin on his face "Got you didn't I TMT?" 

"O-oi!" before Towa could get mad at the Kure clan member, he just turned around and looked at Coco "Yeah, I'm free later, we can go now if you want" 

Coco nodded "Yeah, that sound even better!" she then grabbed his hand and started to pull her new found partner to the nearby mall complex, both of them with smiles on their faces. "About time they got together" Roberu said, from another hallway as he watched the two leave

"No kidding, though those two still have a lot to go through..." Oga said, as he looked at Shien who was 100% not tied up and didn't have tape over his mouth. 

Demon and the Dragon (Kiryu Coco x Kure Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن