Operation: Black Cat

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*Jack POV*

After our return from the city, I went to Oz and reported everything that I got from officer Indigo. I didn't want girls to get in trouble, so I said only I and Ryuko went out to investigate, but... Oz is a headmaster for a reason. He must know the rest of our team took part in it. I know the man too well. Besides that, the dance is coming this weekend. Team CFVY's away mission took much longer than we thought, so Team RWBY is now responsible for preparing the decoration, the food, and the music. With that being said, we get a little slack from the teachers. Being late or skipping classes to prepare the ballroom became somehow normal to me and Ryu, as we're responsible for buying materials to build decorations and ingredients for the food. Another one who was skipping classes is Blake, and not because of dance, but because of Roman working with the White Fang, something she was afraid is true. Right now, I and Ryuko are driving through Vale's streets, with a small trailer attached to Falcon. On it sits four bags of various foods, two fog machines, two giant tubes of white decoration paper, and a lot of other stuff, like dollies of cutlery.

Ryuko: "Aaaand, we're late for Glynda's class. Again"

Jack: "Blame Weiss for it. 'I need you two to buy everything from this list.' And then she hands you a shopping list the size of a map. Besides, we've allowance from Oz and teachers. The dance is this Sunday, and we haven't even started"

Ryuko: "So we better hurry up" She then opens up her helmet's visor "Sooo, how are you gonna ask me?"

Jack: "Huh?"

Ryuko: "For the dance. We're coming together, right?"

Jack: "Oh... yeah! Yeah we are"

Ryuko: "Soooo...."

Jack: "Well... I didn't plan anything. Since we're together, I thought I don't need to"

Ryuko: "Jack Branwen!"

Jack: "What? You didn't want to go with me?" Ryuko groans

Ryuko: "For once! Once you could be less blunt and more romantic! I planned EVERYTHING we would do that night to be perfect for us! I only hoped you would ask me in some more romantic way than 'Hey, you wanna go to the dance together!' I'm so done!"

Jack: "Uhh..."

Ryuko: "Stop the bike right here! I will walk back to Beacon myself!" I stop the bike and Ryuko gets off, gets her helmet off, and throws it at me "Don't talk to me until you learn how to treat a girl!"

Jack: "Ryu Ryu..."

Ryuko: "I'm done talking you jackass! Go!"

Jack: "Ugh! Fine! You want to be like this then so be it! Have fun walking!" I floor Falcon and leave Ryuko behind "Why the heck is she so worked up about this? 'More romantic way' like I never am romantic with her" I scoff "What? Am I supposed to leave a trail of rose petals leading from our bed to the roof before sunset, only for her to see me waiting with my guitar, for her to sing, and late... Hmm... Maybe?" I get to Beacon grounds and park Falcon next to waiting Yang and Weiss. The latter inspects the bags

Weiss: "Hmm... That will do. You got everything?" I nod

Yang: "Where's Ryuko?"

'Here it goes' I roll my eyes

Jack: "We get into an argument and she decided she'll walk back" Yang looks at me with crossed arms

Yang: "What did you do this time, Jackdaw?"

Jack: "Nothing, that's the point! She asked how am I gonna asked her for the dance"

Yang: "And your answer was...?"

A Bird and a Cat (Ryuko x Male OC, Kill la Kill x RWBY crossover)Where stories live. Discover now