Differences of Views (Vol1 Finale)

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*Jack POV*

'Ahh, the end of the first semester. Spring air fills the area with the smell of blooming trees and flowers. It's just nice to see things coming back to life after winter. Well... not everything can be that nice for everyone...'

Ryuko: "Come on Jack! Girls have to be here somewhere!" She looks back at me as I hold about ten bags from her monthly shopping spree

Jack: "Can you remind me WHY do you buy so many clothes? Most of them you would never wear anyway" I scoff

Ryuko: "It's not only for me. I got you some nice clothes because all you wear is this" she gestures to my mostly black outfit "Black. Black everywhere. And since you and I are together, I won't allow you to look like you got your clothes from second hand"

Jack: "What can I say, I like black" I shrug "My question is still up. Why for the love of Oum you spend most of your allowance on this"

Ryuko: "A girl has to be ready for every occasion. This" she gets one white blouse and a pair of jeans from the bag "Is ideal on casual walks around the park. And this" she gets out a casual sapphire dress "For more formal dates and then there is the cherry on top "she grabs a crimson red sleeveless ball dress and a pair of red heels "Is for the dance next semester. It's cheaper now than it would be right before the event. Girls would buy out entire stock and the prices would skyrocket"

Jack: "And?"

Ryuko: "I know men are ignorant... Listen, who is my mom?"

Jack: "Ragyo Kiryuin"

Ryuko: "And what does she do for living?"

Jack: "She designs clothes and has her company for it"

Ryuko: "And?"

Jack: "*sigh* And as her daughter, you would bring shame for your family name if you don't look fashionable" I massage my temples "Still, you could spare me my lifespan. I waited for you for TWO hours! At least I had to see you in a swimsuit" I smirk "So was I right?" Ryuko looks away with an angry blush

Ryuko: "You were nowhere right! I'm still 34C" I look at her with disbelief "Okay, 34D. Happy now?"

Jack: "Me? Of course, I'm happy. That means more fun for the future~" I tease her

Ryuko: "Keep the eyes on the prize, birdie" She starts walking away, swinging her hips and tail "Maybe if you will be a good boy, I will show you a wilder side of this kitten~" she gets some distance as I stare at her "Enough of this flirting. Ruby said they will be somewhere here" We walk across the dock, spotting our Team just in time to see Weiss smiling weirdly"

Jack: "Okay, what happened and why is Ice Queen smiling like she has some evil plan to take over Remnant?"

Blake: "She wants to spy on the competition so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament" Weiss scoffs

Weiss: "You can't prove that!"

Ryuko: "Oh really now? Instead of learning for exams which we have in about a week, you decided to do something 'fun' and go to the docks. You need to learn how to lie, Ice Princess" Yang gets near Weiss

Yang: "She got you. Okay, so as we're all here, let's go!" We start walking into the city, overlooking people preparing streets for the festival. Suddenly, Ruby stopped and looked to the right. We look in the same direction to see a shattered window of a dust shop and two police officers

Ruby: "What happened here?"

Detective #1: "Robbery. Second Dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle"

A Bird and a Cat (Ryuko x Male OC, Kill la Kill x RWBY crossover)Where stories live. Discover now