"They won't bite. This lot are friendly," said Barnaby. "That little guy is one of Borf's babies," he said to Sarah. Borf was the werewolf cub Chiara had befriended when they were at school; Sarah and her friends had grown quite fond of him. 

"And even if they did bite you," Sarah explained, while the gray cub attempted to lick her ears, "you wouldn't turn into a werewolf or anything. This pack is the rare outcome of when two werewolves mate at the full moon. The resulting litter is made up of pure wolves, but they are less aggressive and much more intelligent than actual wolves."

Elena didn't seem convinced. She took another couple steps back, shielding her body behind a tree. 

"Have you trained the werewolves to fight as well?" Sarah asked Barnaby, handing the cub back to him with much regret. 

"They're gonna be our rescue team," said Barnaby proudly. "It was my idea. If there is a fight and someone falls unconscious or is badly injured, a werewolf will try to drag them away from the battle and to safety. Borf is particularly good at it."

"This is amazing," said Sarah. "I can't believe how much you've managed to get done in a short time."

"There's one more thing I want to show you." He grinned. "You're not gonna believe it."

"I mean, I've seen fairies trained to drop dungbombs on people," she said, following him as he continued through the trees, Elena trailing behind. "I'm sure I'll believe anything."

Barnaby stopped them shy of another clearing. "Okay, so just be aware of yourself. He's still not great at remembering he has to be careful where he steps, so you might have to jump out of the way."

"What?!" Elena hissed. 

Barnaby stepped forward into the clearing, and the girls followed. 

The clearing was a mess. Several surrounding trees had been uprooted or snapped in half. The grass had all been removed, and large piles of dirt the size of tents had been dug up. There were no creatures in the clearing, unless you counted the piles of bones from what may have been deer. 

"Uh oh," said Barnaby. 

"Where is it?!" Elena whispered frantically. "What is it?!"

"Uh, Grawp!" Barnaby called out. "Can you come out, please? I've got some friends to see you."

There was no response. 

Sarah tentatively wandered around the clearing, trying to work out what kind of creature could have caused this much damage. 

"I hope he hasn't wandered too far off," said Barnaby. "He doesn't like the forest as much as the caves, but Hagrid thought it best to bring him down here for a bit while we worked with him."

"Barnaby," said Sarah slowly, "Don't tell me Grawp is a--" but her question was answered for her when she came across a depression in the mangled earth. It was clearly a humanoid footprint, except that it was large enough for Borf and his family to fit comfortably inside it. 

"We better find him," said Barnaby. "Before he gets himself hurt."

Sarah was still marveling at the table sized print when Barnaby put his hand around her wrist and led her away. 

"A giant?" she said, as she was brought back through the trees. "Grawp is a giant?"

"A giant?!" Elena squealed, loud enough that several nearby birds fled their perches. 

"Yeah, he's actually Hagrid's half-brother," said Barnaby. "Apparently, he's been living here for a couple years. Hagrid found him while he was meeting with the giants, trying to convince them not to join the Dark Lord. Hagrid's taught him a decent amount of English, and he's apparently much more gentle than he was when they first met."

The Unknown of the Order (Harry Potter: Hogwarts MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now